Portugal - European Commission
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Education and training

There are no degrees offered in the nuclear field. However, some universities offer a variety of courses (Porto University/Universidade de Porto, Technical University of Lisbon/Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, University of Coimbra/ Universidade de Coimbra, University of Lisbon/Universidade de Lisboa) and several institutions are involved in nuclear research (National Institute of Technological Engineering and Innovation/Instituto Nacional de Engenheria Tecnologia e Inovaçao, Technological and Nuclear Institute, High Technical Institute/Instituto Superior Técnico of the Technical University of Lisbon/Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa (specially the Plasma Physics Center/Centro de Física de Plasmas and the Nuclear Fusion Center/Centro de Fusao Nuclear (CFN), University of Coimbra/Universidade de Coimbra (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics /Laboratório de Instrumentaçao e Física Experimental de Partículas (LIP) and the University of Lisbon/Universidade de Lisboa (especially the Atomic Physics Centre and the Nuclear Physics Centre belonging to the Sciences Faculty Research Centre).

The only university that offers a Master’s degree is the University of Coimbra/Universidade de Coimbra, which is in the Physics with a specialization in Nuclear and Particles Physics. The University of Lisbon/Universidade de Lisboa offers a Doctorate in Nuclear Physics.

The Technological and Nuclear Institute/Instituto Tecnológico é Nuclear offers special training courses, which include Nuclear Instrumentation, Reactors Operators, Specialized Technicians of Laboratory and Security and Radiological Protection. This is complemented by the Technical University of Lisbon/ Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, which offers a Advanced Training Diploma in Radiation Safety.

Human resources and knowledge management

Portugal does not have a nuclear power programme. However, there is a research reactor at the Technological and Nuclear Institute/Instituto Technológico e Nuclear (ITN).

Despite having no nuclear power plants, Portugal has a wide legislation on nuclear matters, especially in the radiological field, and there is a large number of bodies in different ministries that have responsibilities in this area. The main of these bodies is the Ministery for Economic, Innovation and Development Affairs/Ministério da Economia, da Innovaçao e do Desenvolvimento. In addition, there is an advisory body on nuclear matters: the Independent Commission for the Radiological Protection and Nuclear Security /Comissão Independente para a Protecção Radiológica e Segurança Nuclear.