DigCompSat: Digital competence self-reflection item bank
The DigCompSat tool aims at testing empirically the set of DigComp 2.1 competences corresponding to levels 1 to 6 (foundation, intermediate and advanced).
The tool is designed with a methodological perspective that allows measuring of digital competence by the three elements - knowledge, skills and attitude – for each of the 5 DigComp areas. It also provides respondents with a self-reflection path on their digital competence. It was piloted in Ireland, Latvia and Spain by 16-65 year old individuals.
The DigComp tool has sound psychometric properties, including the validity and internal consistency of the items. It is able to perform three main functions for test takers:
- measuring existing competences based on the respondents’ self-reflection
- identifying competence gaps
- raising awareness
The conciseness of the items allowed a test-time of less than 30 minutes across different countries, age and educational background groups and genders.
Digital Skills self-assessment tool
From the Europass Platform and the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform, any EU citizen can access a self-assessment tool on digital competences based on DigComp and DigCompSat, and implemented in all EU languages.
MyDigiSkills – Digital competence self-reflection user tool
MyDigiSkills is an operational tool available in several languages.
It was developed by All Digital, the organisation that led the development of DigCompSat, and its based on that tool.
Using DigComp as a tool to analyse digital skills demand
The JRC has published an exploratory mapping of the 21 DigComp competences to the skills pillar of ESCO (European Skills, Competencies, Qualifications and Occupations), the classification of skills which is used in the Skills-OVATE, the database of European online job advertisements (OJA). This allows an analysis of non-ICT-specialist digital skills demand. The report describes results of the analysis and includes the complete mapping in the Annex.
EU-wide monitoring of Digital Competence
For policymakers and analysts, an EU-wide Eurostat Digital Skills Indicator (DSI) can be beneficial to understand citizens’ levels of digital competence at the country level. You can find:
- The data description (meta-data) of the DSI up to 2019
- The data description (meta-data) of the DSI as from 2021
- The DSI data (select “Digital skills”)
- A JRC-developed worked example of how the DSI is computed