GELINA, the JRC Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility (EUFRAT)-2022-1-RD- EUFRAT-GELINA - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

GELINA, the JRC Neutron Time-of-Flight Facility (EUFRAT)

GELINA is a 150 MeV electron accelerator serving as strong white neutron source for high resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements.


Publication date
1 July 2022 in Geel, Belgium
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
9 September 2022, 23:45 (CEST)


GELINA is an intense pulsed white neutron source, driven by a 130 MeV linear electron accelerator and used for high-resolution neutron time-of-flight measurements. The facility covers a neutron energy range from thermal energy to 15 MeV, has a time resolution of less than 2 ns (FWHM) and serves an array of flight paths up to 400 m long on which as many as 10 experiments can be carried out simultaneously. The facility is designed for high-resolution cross section measurements in the resonance region. The high-intensity neutron and gamma ray fields close to the neutron-producing target can also be used for spectrum averaged and integral experiments. In addition, a dedicated beamline allows direct irradiations with a mono-energetic electron beam in the range between 20 and 130 MeV. GELINA can be used for studying a variety of nuclear technology and scientific applications, covering areas such as applied physics, in particular nuclear energy applications, fundamental physics, astrophysics, material analysis, cultural heritage and archaeology, radiation-hard electronics development and radionuclide production for medical applications.

Make a proposal

Multi scintillation array Gelina

Priority topics of GELINA

  1. Neutron cross-section measurements for energy and non-energy nuclear applications
  2. Measurements of nuclear data standards
  3. Integral experiments for the validation of nuclear data libraries and testing of nuclear transport codes
  4. Investigations for a better understanding of the nuclear fission process.
  5. Development of advanced detection methods and scientific concepts in nuclear technologies
  6. Basic physics: nuclear reaction theory, nuclear astrophysics
  7. Cross-section measurements and feasibility studies for medical radionuclide production

Definition and conditions of access

Access to the research infrastructure is granted on the basis of Access Units. For GELINA, the Access Unit corresponds to a 'Measurement week' made available for the experimental activities. GELINA operates on a 24h/24h 5 days per week basis. An Access Unit is about 100 hours of beam time and includes the time to build up and to dismantle the experimental set-up (if needed). Depending on the proposed experiment users can use their own equipment, JRC in-house equipment or a combination of both. This has to be indicated in the proposal and should be coordinated already a few weeks before the scheduled beam time. Preferentially, the users must collaborate closely with an in-house staff scientist (a local scientific contact) who is familiar with the facility and the in-house equipment.

All users will be requested to complete and deliver safety and security-related documents to get access to the nuclear facilities at GELINA. Approval of access is subject to the rules of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre and the Belgian authorities. Submission of documents should therefore be started in time to allow completion of the approval procedure well before the start of the experiment.

  • Estimated total number of Measurement weeks allocated to the call: 35
  • Average number of Measurement weeks per Project: 8
  • Estimated costs excluding consumables and expenses:
    • Research infrastructure operated by JRC staff: 0 € / Measurement week
    • Research infrastructure operated by users: Not possible

Support of users for travel and subsistence

The JRC may provide a financial or in-kind contribution to support Users to cover their costs of travel and subsistence (T&S) related to the User Stay Days, subject to the availability of funds, personnel and other resources to Users from User Institutions located in an EU Member State or country associated to the Euratom Research Programme (only Ukraine).

A User Stay Day is a day of physical presence of a User at the concerned Research Infrastructure for Access related to the User Access Project. A User Stay Day counts as a registered entry to the JRC site where the Research Infrastructure is located.

  • Estimated total number of User Stay Days for short- term stays eligible for T&S allocated to all EUFRAT calls: 240
  • Estimated total number of User Stay Months for long- term stays (months) eligible for T&S allocated to the EUFRAT calls: 24

Long-term stays are primarily for students and have a duration of at least 1 month. They are typically 3 to 9 months for Karlsruhe, and 1 to 6 months for Petten and Geel.

The Lead User is invited to fill in the User travel and subsistence form and send it to by the closing date of the call. For more information, the Lead User may contact the JRC Research Infrastructure at

Allocation of intellectual property rights:

The JRC and the entitled party (person or organisation that has been granted access) become co-owners in equal shares of all raw data, treated data and documentation data developed with respect to the access.

Eligibility criteria

  • The Lead User Institution and User Institutions (see definitions in the Framework ) must be established in an EU Member State or country associated to the Euratom research programme*.
  • The Lead User Institution must be from a university, research or public institution, or from a Small-Medium-Enterprise (SME).
  • Ethical considerations in accordance with EU Law, in particular Art. 18 of Regulation (EU) 2021/695, and applicable laws and regulations in the EU Member States.

*At the time of publishing this call, the only country associated to the Euratom research programme is Ukraine

Selection criteria

Proposals will be evaluated in accordance to the following selection criteria:

  • Scientific implementation (50 points)
  • Collaboration and access to new Users (20 points)
  • Strategic relevance to the JRC (15 points)
  • Strategic importance for Europe (15 points)

How to apply

The proposal must be prepared using the Relevance-driven Proposal Submission Form.

For GELINA the Lead User must also fill in the EUFRAT (GELINA) Facility Specifications Form following the instructions at the end of the form when submitting the proposal.

If the proposal includes a request to prepare a target at JRC Geel, the Lead User must also fill in the EUFRAT Target preparation request and follow the instructions at the end of the form when submitting the proposal.

During preparation of the proposal, applicants are encouraged to:

The proposal should be submitted to by the closing date of the call.

The User Selection Committee will only evaluate proposals that are complete and comply with the instructions in the proposal submission form.

Communication of the assessment of proposals:2021-11-15 00:00:00

Selection Criteria Background Documents

The 6 Priorities of the European Commission

JRC Thematic Focus Areas