- Status
- N/A
- Reference
- 2020-1-MD-ELSA-ReactionWall
- Publication date
- 2 February 2022 in Ispra, Italy
- Deadline model
- Permanent
The central feature of the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) is the Reaction Wall. It consists of a reinforced concrete vertical wall and a horizontal floor rigidly connected together to test the vulnerability of buildings to earthquakes and other threats to structural stability.
Definition and conditions of access
Access to the research infrastructure is granted on the basis of Access Units (e.g. days or weeks of use, hours or sessions of beam time, processing time and gigabytes of data transmitted, etc.). Access Units are specific to the type and nature of each JRC research infrastructure that provides access.
For the Reaction Wall, the Access Unit corresponds to a 'Day' of experimental activities, e.g. to perform tests to fulfil the objectives of the project. These activities typically involve the use of the structural control system and the data acquisition system of the laboratory connected to the loading system and to the instrumentation.
- Estimated maximum duration of the User Access Project: 18 months
- Estimated costs excluding consumables and other expenses:
- Research infrastructure operated by JRC staff: 35,483 € / Day
- Research infrastructure operated by users: Not possible
Allocation of intellectual property rights
Intellectual property rights are allocated according to Paragraph III of Annex 1: Intellectual Property Rights.
Eligibility criteria
- The Lead User Institution and User Institutions (see definitions in the Framework) must be from an EU Member State, or country associated to the Horizon Europe programme.
- Ethical considerations in accordance with EU Law, in particular Art. 19 of Regulation (EU) 1291/2013, and applicable laws and regulations in the EU Member States.
- The proposal submission form is complete and complies with the instructions.
How to apply
The proposal must be prepared using the Market-driven Proposal Submission Form.
During preparation of the proposal, applicants are encouraged to:
- Read the "Framework of Access to Joint Research Centre physical Research Infrastructures" and all related documents in the Framework for Access page.
- Contact the research infrastructure at to assess feasibility aspects related to the capacity of the research infrastructure.
The proposal should be submitted to
The JRC will only evaluate proposals that are complete and comply with the instructions in the proposal submission form.
Selection criteria
Proposal will be evaluated in accordance to the following selection criteria:
- Scientific implementation (50 points)
- Access to SMEs and new Users (20 points)
- Strategic relevance (30 points)