About AQUILA - European Commission Skip to main content
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The European Network of National Air Quality Reference Laboratories (AQUILA) is a well-established group that supports the implementation of existing EU air policy and advises on new developments during revision processes.

In line with the European air policy and recent developments, the importance of the European Network of National Air Quality Reference Laboratories (AQUILA) has grown significantly since its inception in 2001.

Formally recognised by the Air Quality Directives, these reference laboratories are legally responsible for the quality assurance of air pollutant measurements in their respective Member States, which involves the organisation of national quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) programmes and the participation in European QA/QC programmes.

In addition, they should be involved in standardisation activities, the validation of measurement methods and type approval of instruments.

AQUILA main objectives

  • to provide expert judgement
  • to promote the harmonisation of air quality measurements among EU, EFTA and Candidate Countries
  • to coordinate QA/QC activities, method development and validation
  • to participate in standardisation activities
  • to develop common research projects and pilot studies
  • to offer a forum for information exchange through training courses, workshops and conferences

Meetings are usually dedicated to special topics, such as particle measurement, accreditation or quality assurance, but also provide regular
opportunities to update the participants on new technical, scientific and legislative developments in the field of air quality.