Open access to JRC research infrastructures for training and capacity building - European Commission Skip to main content
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Training and Capacity Building at JRC Laboratories

Open access to research infrastructures enables researchers to learn to use JRC facilities for their future experiments

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) opens for the purposes of training and capacity building its scientific laboratories and facilities to people working in academia and research organisations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and more in general to the public and private sector.

The JRC offers access to its non-nuclear facilities to researchers and scientists from EU Member States and countries associated to the Horizon Europe programme. For nuclear facilities, the JRC opens to EU Member States and to countries associated to the Euratom Research Programme.

About Training & Capacity Building  Framework for access

Offering access to visiting researchers is part of JRC's strategy to provide training and capacity building to strengthen their capabilities to obtain, develop, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity within the running and use of similar Research Infrastructures.

After following a training and capacity building course at the JRC, scientists are more familiar with the JRC laboratories which can improve the suitability of their proposals for the Open Access to Research Infrastructures programme.

Scientists and technicians will have the opportunity to be trained in the following fields:

  • chemistry;
  • biosciences/life sciences;
  • physical sciences;
  • ICT;
  • Foresight.

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