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Sylke Viola Schnepf

Sylke V. Schnepf is working in the Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation in Ispra, Italy.

Sylke V. Schnepf



Sylke V. Schnepf is working in the Competence Centre on Microeconomic Evaluation and on the cross-national research project examining aspects of loneliness and fairness in Ispra, Italy. She is a member of the JRC Scientific Committee.

Sylke obtained a Masters in political sciences, psychology and law in 1999 and a PhD in Economics in 2005. Previously, she worked as a consultant for the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre, Florence, Italy and as an Associate Professor in Social Statistics at the University of Southampton, UK.

Sylke provides scientific expertise and methodological support for counterfactual impact evaluation. Her main methodological research interests focus on impact evaluation methods and survey design. She examines aspects of fairness focusing mainly on education and climate change policies.

Papers in peer reviewed journals

Books and book chapters

JRC Fairness Policy briefs

JRC Reports

  • Co-author (2020) of 'Beyond averages - Fairness in an economy that works for people' JRC Science for Policy Report.
  • Schnepf, S.V., Castano Munoz, J., Sanchez Barrioluengo, M., Biagi, F. and Blasko, Z. (2020) '‘Graduates’ labour market outcomes in four European countries: the role of teaching load and research excellence', JRC Science for Policy Report.
  • Schnepf, S.V. (2018) 'Insights into survey error of large scale educational achievement surveys', JRC Technical Report.
  • D’Hombres, B., Langedijk, S. and Schnepf, S.V. (2017), Chapter 2 and 4 of the JRC report 'What makes a fair society? Insights and evidence', Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg
  • Elia, L., Santangelo, G., & Schnepf, S.V. (2015). Synthesis report on the 'Pilot projects to carry out ESF related counterfactual impact evaluations'. European Union.
  • Micklewright, J. and Schnepf, S.V. (2006) 'Response Bias in England in PISA 2000 and 2003', Report of the Department for Education and Skills
  • Adamson, P., Brown, G. Micklewright, J., Schnepf, S.V. and Wright, A. (2003) A League Table of Child Maltreatment Deaths in Rich Nations, UNICEF Innocenti Report Card, Issue No. 5
  • Adamson, P., Brown, G. Micklewright, J., Schnepf, S.V., Waldmann, R. and Wright, A. (2002) 'A League Table of Educational Disadvantage in Rich Nations', UNICEF Innocenti Report Card, Issue No. 5