Catchments and Rivers of Europe
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Catchment Characterisation and Modelling (CCM)

Drainage networks and associated drainage basins form complex functional entities not only for hydrological processes but also for environmental processes at large. To uniformly study these processes we created CCM, a Catchment Characterisation Model

What is it and how can it be used?

The Catchment Characterisation and Modelling (CCM) is a geographic database containing rivers and watersheds of Europe from the Atlantic ocean to the Ural mountains.

The tool, developed by the Commission's Joint Research Centre, can be used to study cause-effect relationships of environmental processes where river networks or drainage basins (catchments) play an important role.

The technology behind the tool

CCM river and catchment database: versions

Version 1.0 of CCM was published in 2003. In July 2007 an geographically extended and substantially improved CCM Version 2.0 was released.

The current version 2.1 of July 2008 is an update of version 2.0 wich includes the correction of noted errors as well additional functionality.

CCM river and catchment database: version 2.1 (CCM2)

The CCM2 database covers the entire European continent, including the Atlantic islands, Iceland, Cyprus and Türkiye. It includes a hierarchical set of river segments and catchments based on the Strahler order, a lake layer and structured hydrological feature codes based on the Pfafstetter system.

CCM data are made freely available for non-commercial use.

The CCM data are organised in so called data windows and available in 2 different projection systems. Each window includes river basins, catchments and rivers for the window area.

Lakes and river basins for the whole CCM2 area are further provided in separate datasets. The river basin dataset includes a set of codes, which together with the Pfafstetter hydrological feature codes provided in the window data represent a unique and structured hydrological feature code per primary catchment and/or river reach throughout the CCM2 area.

Also rivernames are included in this dataset. The lakes dataset contains also a set of ordered coastlines.

Catchment and Riversegments, datawindow division
Catchment and Riversegments, datawindow division

Data are provided free of charge for non-commercial use. They are provided as is, using ESRI Geodatabase format of 2008. This format can be read by most geographic information systems.

Equal Area Projection (Lambert LAEA)

Covering the Northern European Plain, Large parts of Germany, Denmark, Poland & Lithuania

Covering Italian Peninsula and Adriatic coast

Covering the Western part of Europe, mainly France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and adjacent Germany

Covering the large Danube riverbasin including most of the Northern Balkan peninsula

Covering the Dnjepr basin and adjacent basins in Moldova, Belarus, parts of Romania & Ukraine

Covering Finland, Estonia, Latvia and parts of North Western Russia

Covering the Scandinavian Peninsula containing Norway and most of Sweden

Covering the Southern Balkan peninsula and Anatolia, with Greece, Albania most of Turkey and Cyprus

Covering Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Southern Russia and coastal parts of Türkiye

Covering the Ural river basin in Southern Russia and western Kazakhstan

Covering the largest basin in Europe; the Volga and adjacent basins in Russia

Covering the Euphrates and Tigris watersheds covering the Northern Middle East

Containing all freshwater objects of the Continent and its surrounding islands, detected with Satellite imagery if not available in Corine Landcover or submitted by European member-states in 2003

WGS 84 Dataset

Covering the Northern European Plain, Large parts of Germany, Denmark, Poland & Lithuania

Covering Italian Peninsula and Adriatic coast

Covering the Western part of Europe, mainly France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and adjacent Germany

Covering the large Danube riverbasin including most of the Northern Balkan peninsula

Covering the Dnjepr basin and adjacent basins in Moldova, Belarus, parts of Romania & Ukraine

Covering Finland, Estonia, Latvia and parts of North Western Russia

Covering the Scandinavian Peninsula containing Norway and most of Sweden

Covering the Southern Balkan peninsula and Anatolia, with Greece, Albania most of Turkey and Cyprus

Covering Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Southern Russia and coastal parts of Türkiye

Covering the Ural river basin in Southern Russia and western Kazakhstan

Covering the largest basin in Europe; the Volga and adjacent basins in Russia

Covering the Euphrates and Tigris watersheds covering the Northern Middle East

Containing all surface freshwater bodies of the Continent and its surrounding islands, using satellite data if data from Corine Landcover or data submitted by Member States in 2005 were not submitted

Read more on CCM

For more information on the development and characteristics of the CCM2 database see:

  1. de Jager, A.L., Vogt, J.V. (2010). Development and demonstration of a structured hydrological feature coding system for Europe , Hydrological Sciences Journal, 55, 5, 661, Taylor and Francis (Internet Access)
  2. Vogt, J.V. et al. (2007). A pan-European River and Catchment Database. EC-JRC (Report EUR 22920 EN) Luxembourg, 120 p. (PDF standard - 9.8 MB) (PDF high quality print - 37.0 MB)
  3. Vogt, J.V. et al. (2007). Developing a pan-European Data Base of Drainage Networks and Catchment Boundaries from a 100 Meter DEM. Proceedings AGILE International Conference, May 2007. (PDF standard - 0.5 MB)
  4. Vogt, J.V., E. Rimaviciute, A de Jager (2008). CCM 2.1 Release Notes. (PDF standard)


Overview of the Main Rivers of Europe
Overview poster of the Watersheds of Europe
CCM2 Project