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Complementary Position, Navigation and Timing (C-PNT)

JRC and the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space work on the EU PNT ecosystem, the mix of existing space assets and the emerging technologies providing precise time and/or position, with the aim to strengthen the EU economy.

Did you know that satellite navigation systems, including the European GNSS (Galileo and EGNOS), play a crucial role in enabling over 10% of European gross domestic product (GDP)? This is more than €14 trillion. These space systems provide services known as Position, Navigation, and Timing (PNT), and you might recognise them from your smartphones, where navigation is their most commonly used feature.

PNT services are becoming increasingly widespread in the economy. Timing is essential to keep our power grids, financial services, and mobile networks operational, while navigation is critical for aviation, road transport and other vital infrastructures.

However, this “invisible utility” also has inherent shortcomings that could be exploited by a malicious actor. Although the possibility is extremely low, any outage could have far-reaching and potentially damaging effects on the European economy. For instance, a study estimated that a 7-day GNSS outage could cost £7 644 million.

Research on Alternative PNT Technologies and Complementary PNT Ecosystem

In response to the need for alternative or backup solutions for positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) technologies, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), on behalf of DG DEFIS, conducted a comprehensive test campaign in 2021-22 to assess the performance of mature alternative PNT (A-PNT) technologies. These A-PNT technologies were evaluated for their ability to provide reliable PNT without reliance on GNSS and with minimal failure modes.

The tested A-PNT technologies exhibited diverse capabilities and showed promise in extending and enhancing navigation and time transfer. However, the results of the test campaign, as detailed in the sections and documents below, indicated limitations in maintaining UTC provision for extended periods. This highlights the critical importance of GNSS services in ensuring continuous and reliable PNT.

While the need for backup solutions is essential, it is imperative that these solutions are integrated into the larger EU PNT ecosystem, which encompasses GNSS and complementary emerging alternative systems. This approach mitigates the risk of PNT service interruption and enhances overall service resilience, availability and continuity. The concept of Complementary PNT (C-PNT) is pivotal in strengthening EU autonomy, bolstering the resilience of the economy, and advancing the EU’s global standing through technological development.

The successful execution of this testing campaign was made possible by the JRC’s extensive expertise in GNSS and satellite navigation, culminating in the establishment of a state-of-the-art laboratory — JRC testing and demonstration hub for the EU GNSS programmes.

Market Consultation on Terrestrial Time Backbone Service Operations JRC-MC/2401

The proposed C-PNT ecosystem, as outlined by ERNP, integrates both space and terrestrial assets, including terrestrial time distribution infrastructure. UTC is a global time scale that is essential for all of our operations. Its provision becomes increasingly critical with the emergence of integrated services across the EU, as well as in intelligent transport and other forward-looking services.

Therefore, the initial step towards establishing such a C-PNT ecosystem is the implementation of the terrestrial timing backbone. Independent time distribution would enhance resilience, maximize infrastructure impact, and enable future applications. Furthermore, by connecting National Metrology Institutes (NMI), it would leverage the uniquely European infrastructure.

To gain a better understanding of user needs, JRC and DG DEFIS have released a questionnaire. It will remain open for responses until 31 January 2025. We encourage all stakeholders to participate in this important consultation.

Take the survey

Relevant information can be found in the Additional information below. We also invite you to explore the European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP), a European Commission staff working document, available in the section below.

The European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP)

EU PNT ecosystem
Proposed EU PNT ecosystem consisting of space and terrestial assets

The European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP) 2023 is a European Commission staff working document, written by DG DEFIS in cooperation with the JRC. ERNP is available for download below, in 5 language versions.

The purpose of the 2023 edition of ERNP is to act as a reference document and: 

  1. Provide relevant information on PNT systems and services, their use, typical performance, strengths, weaknesses, developments, trends, challenges and opportunities. This includes conventional and emerging PNT systems (also known as alternative PNT). Facilitate the uptake of the European GNSS (Galileo and EGNOS) services by:
    • Providing detailed information on European GNSS current and future services and their added value with respect to other PNT/GNSS services.
    • Recommending, per each sector, actions to be implemented at the EU level for the uptake of EGNSS in the various market domains (e.g., legislation, standards). 
  2. Raise awareness and recommend actions to increase the resilience of PNT services in the EU. 

From the legislative perspective, the document provides an overview of the relevant international policies and explains the European Union policies related to PNT and the European GNSS. The document concludes with the medium-term vision of how PNT should evolve in the European Union, summarised in the section above. Document also list the emerging PNT technologies 

The European Radio Navigation Plan (ERNP) was first published in March 2018, following the 2016 Space Strategy for Europe, which tasked European Commission to “release a European radio navigation plan to facilitate the introduction of global navigation satellite system applications in sectoral policies”.

European Commision policy support at the JRC

For many years JRC has had a prominent role on the development of the European GNSS programmes, supporting DG DEFIS and EUSPA (the European Agency for the Space Programme) with specialised expertise and a dedicated laboratory and testing hub

The JRC’s GNSS Testing and Demonstration Hub, built around the European Microwave Signature Laboratory, is located at the JRC site in Ispra, Italy. 

Among many activities, the support JRC provides to EU GNSS includes

  • testing campaigns in the frame of H2020/Horizon Europe Calls funded under the EU Space Programme
  • open calls addressed to Galileo receiver manufacturers and supporting many sectorial policies, such as eCall, maritime receivers, smart tachograph, among others
  • programmatic actions requiring testing of GNSS user equipment (e.g. pilot testing of new EGNSS services, compatibility assessments, performance monitoring, …)

Given its extension and the variety of infrastructures present on the site, the JRC Ispra campus represents an ideal testbed for the testing and demonstration activities required to assess emerging PNT technologies. 

Assessing alternative Positioning, Navigation and Timing technologies for potential deployment in the EU

This report presents the results of a test campaign, conducted at the JRC, Ispra in framework of a Call for Tender (Ref DEFIS/2020/OP/0007) launched by the Directorate General for Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS) of the EC. Conclusions of this report have contributed to the latest edition of the ERNP. 

The document describes the aim and scope test and evaluation of the A-PNT platform, the definition of the testing protocols, the presentation of the minimum technical requirements, the most relevant outcomes of the performance assessment on every individual A-PNT platform, and the main conclusions and highlights of the whole test campaign. 

Over eight months of testing activities, the selected A-PNT platforms were evaluated at the JRC premises, and in a few cases, also at other locations, as agreed with the A-PNT platform providers. Such demonstrations showcased precise and robust timing and positioning services, in indoor and outdoor environments. The time transfer over the air (OTA), fiber, and wired channels was tested. 

All evaluated A-PNT platforms meet the required performance. 

The report and appendixes (public report from each technology provider) are available for download. 

2021-22 Alternative PNT test campaign at the JRC Ispra

In 2020 DG DEFIS launched a call for tenders for the Alternative Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) Services, with objective to understand what are the most relevant and mature technologies available at the scope. This call for tenders specified the definition of the A-PNT as mature technologies that could

  • deliver positioning, and/or timing information independently from GNSS
  • act as a backup in the unlike event of a GNSS disruption
  • (if possible) extend PNT provision to the environments where GNSS (and Galileo in particular) cannot be delivered 

In the context of this project, JRC has tested the selected to assess the performance against the required capabilities. The testing activities were conducted over seven months and involved the assessment of the following technologies

  • precise time keeping using stand-alone atomic clocks and without use of GNSS. 
  • precise time transfer over long distances through fibre, computer networks and over the air, for which a Time Reference Traceability to UTC(IT) was developed - this also included a 105km time transfer over the air
  • indoor and outdoor positioning using terrestrial and LEO signals and tested using dynamic reference platform. 

This work required the deployment of dedicated infrastructure across the campus and extensive use of the labs. The Italian frequency authority was contacted to obtain clearance for the limited use frequency transmission during the testing.
A summary of all the work, as well as each technology provider's report, is available for download in the section above.

Alternative PNT Demo Day, 18 May 2022

The testing campaign concluded with a Demo Day, that was held at the JRC Ispra on 18 May 2022. The event was attended by representatives from the European Commission, EUSPA, ESA and EU Member States representatives from Public Bodies and Industry. Even under COVID restrictions the event has seen the participation of over 80 people on-site, with about 90 participants joining online. The event was organized over two main sessions: 

  • In the morning, after an introduction from JRC and DEFIS (including interventions from JRC.E Director and DEFIS.C.2 and JRC.E.2 Head of Units), the participants could visit the JRC laboratories and assist to a live demonstration of the technologies that were tested in the previous months. 
  • In the afternoon, comprehensive presentations of the different Alternative PNT technologies and the most relevant test campaign results were provided by the various involved Industries. 

The Demo Day presentations are available for download just here below

Contact us

For more information on the C-PNT, JRC testing and demonstration hub for the EU GNSS programmes, PNT technologies testing or to discuss our other expertise in the Position and Time activities, contact us using the email below.
