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Assessing Alternative Positioning, Navigation and Timing Technologies for Potential Deployment in the EU

2023Science for policyEnergy and transport Innovation and growth Safety and security
Results of the testing and performance evaluation conducted at the JRC
Today, many EU critical infrastructures, such as energy supply networks, transport infrastructures, telecommunications, and financial networks, have a strong reliance on Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS). Since these infrastructures have become primary users of Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) services, the availability of backups or Alternative PNT (A-PNT) infrastructures should be considered as a priority to mitigate the impact of a potential disruption of GNSS.
This report presents the results of a test campaign, conducted at the European Commission (EC) Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra. It was aimed at assessing the performance of A-PNT demonstration platforms. This testing and performance evaluation assessment activity were conducted, in the framework of a Call for Tender launched by the Directorate General for Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS) of the EC.
Over eight months of testing activities, the selected A-PNT platforms were evaluated at the JRC premises, and in a few cases, also at other locations, as agreed with the A-PNT platform providers. Such demonstrations showcased precise and robust timing and positioning services, in indoor and outdoor environments. The results of the test campaign showed that all A-PNT platforms under evaluation demonstrated performances in compliance with the requirements set.
Bonenberg, L., Motella, B. and Fortuny Guasch, J., Assessing Alternative Positioning, Navigation and Timing Technologies for Potential Deployment in the EU, EUR 31450 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, ISBN 978-92-68-01163-8, doi:10.2760/596229, JRC132737.
Publications Office of the European Union
978-92-68-01163-8 (online)
1831-9424 (online)
EUR 31450 EN , OP KJ-NA-31-450-EN-N (online)
Language Citation
ENGBonenberg, L., Motella, B. and Fortuny Guasch, J., Assessing Alternative Positioning, Navigation and Timing Technologies for Potential Deployment in the EU, EUR 31450 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2023, ISBN 978-92-68-01163-8, doi:10.2760/596229, JRC132737.
Assessing alternative positioning, navigation, timing technologies
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