In December 2020 the Commission proposed a new Batteries Regulation. This regulation aims to ensure that batteries placed on the EU market fit into the circular economy and are sustainable and safe throughout their entire life cycle.
The proposal contains an obligation for the producers to inform on the level of recycled content for some materials in large batteries.
Maintain materials and prevent pollution
Therefore, the JRC is preparing to develop a methodology to measure these quantities. It is also working on how to calculate recycling efficiencies for key materials found in waste batteries, such as cobalt, lead, nickel and lithium.
This will help maintain these materials in the EU economy and prevent pollution.
Enhanced battery re-use and recycling
Furthermore, barriers to an enhanced re-use and recycling of new types of batteries, in particular lithium-based, need to be addressed and the identification and classification of relevant waste streams needs to be improved.
The JRC will therefore work on proposals for updating the European List of Waste, which will facilitate the identification and circulation of valuable – but potentially hazardous – materials from waste batteries.