Smart Specialisation supports regions in their innovation strategies, boosting growth and prosperity. It is associated with European Cohesion policy, which aims to correct imbalances between regions and countries. In the past few years, the concept of Smart Specialisation has spread beyond EU borders, inspiring countries and regions around the world - specifically in the EU Enlargement and EU Neighbourhood regions (Western Balkan Countries, Eastern Partnership, Türkiye and Tunisia).
Smart Specialisation doesn't only give impetus to localised innovation policies - it is also relevant in contributing to the international agenda on sustainable development. In this respect, Smart Specialisation is an enabling methodology to implement the Sustainable Development Goals.
EU Enlargement
The EU's enlargement policy deals with countries aspiring to become European Union members
Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) are an expression of sound innovation policies and as such are of interest not only to EU member states, but also to candidate countries willing to improve their innovation ecosystems. To support participatory and evidence-based processes in these countries, the JRC supports the early preparatory phases of the development of research and innovation strategies for Smart Specialisation .
- Albania
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Georgia
- Kosovo*
- Moldova
- Montenegro
- North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Ukraine
- Türkiye
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence
EU Neighbourhood
Working with southern and eastern neighbours of the EU to achieve the closest possible political association and the greatest possible degree of economic integration
The EU works closely with its eastern and southern neighbours, aiming to achieve the closest possible political association and the greatest possible degree of economic integration. This goal builds on common interests and on values such as democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights, and social and territorial cohesion.
The S3 Framework for the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region
The Smart Specialisation Framework for EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region (S3 Framework) has been developed by the JRC in cooperation with partner countries, international experts and policy directorates of the European Commission.
The application of this EU-made innovation policy concept will allow EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood countries and economies to promote knowledge-based economic development and targeted research and innovation policies building on territorial specificities, unique potentials and emerging niches.
The S3 Framework operationalises the guidance offered to EU Member States into a set of practical steps, but also adapts and adjusts the approach to suit non-EU countries.
Starting from the first phase of institutional capacity building (decision to start S3 Process) to the second institutional capacity building (analysis of the strategic mandates), it continues with the mapping phases through diagnosis steps 3 (quantitative mapping) and 4 (qualitative mapping). The next steps are engaging in stakeholder dialogue, developing institutional capacity for implementation and, finally, drafting the strategy (see figure below).
Measuring territorial innovation strengths
Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans and Türkiye – Lessons learned
Identification of the Smart Specialisation priority domains of Tunisia
Guidelines for the stakeholder dialogue in the process of designing and implementing Smart Specialisation strategies in the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region
Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans: potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation
The identification of priority domains in Kosovo. A mapping exercise
Methodological guidelines for qualitative analysis of economic, innovation and scientific potential in the EU enlargement and neighbourhood
Unlocking the potential for regional collaboration in the ICT domain in the Western Balkans
Perspectives on growth of the agri-food sector in the Western Balkans
Analysis of Value Chains in the Western Balkan Economies - Enriching the Potential for Regional Cooperation in Priority Areas
Smart Specialisation implementation framework for the EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood Region
Qualitative analysis of economic, innovation and scientific potential in North Macedonia
Smart Specialisation in the Eastern Partnership countries - Potential for knowledge-based economic cooperation
Smart Specialisation in the Western Balkans – the first thematic workshop on agri-food
The identification of Smart Specialisation priority domains in Albania. A mapping exercise