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EU Science Hub

Contributions to thematic reports and policy documents

Country-specific analyses of tax-benefit reforms in Member States

The Fiscal Policy Analysis team of the JRC contributes regularly to the European Semester for economic policy coordination by conducting in-depth analyses of tax-benefit reforms in Member States and support to the recovery and resilience plans. Analyses of tax reforms have ranged from reforms of personal income taxes to social security contributions, property taxation or indirect taxes, as well as budget neutral tax shifts. On the expenditure side, the unit has provided assessments of changes/coverage of minimum income schemes, family support, unemployment benefits, etc. The analyses are typically used in the European Semester Country Reports and underpin country specific recommendations.

Contributions to thematic reports and policy documents
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Support to EC initiatives 

Thematic support to policy reports






  •  2020 Projecting the net fiscal impact of immigration in the EU, JRC Science for Policy Report 

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