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EU Science Hub

Data & metadata 2022

The 2022 PREDICT Dataset represents the most comprehensive information system available on ICT industries and their R&D, and is a reference point also for the EU Digital Agenda Scoreboard and the horizontal chapter ‘The EU ICT Sector and its R&D Performance’ of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) until its 2021 edition. The PREDICT Dataset provides a detailed analysis of the state of ICT R&D and other macroeconomic variables in the European Union and in the major competing economies.

The PREDICT Dataset is published annually. It has been deepened and expanded along the years in order to include complementary dimensions, such as the Media and Content sector. Furthermore, for the most important indicators, existing PREDICT time series have been reconstructed back to 1995, while the main indicators are nowcasted for 2020 and 2021, thus providing comparable time series from 1995 to 2021.

The PREDICT Dataset is based on the latest data available from official sources (such as National Accounts and R&D statistics from Eurostat and OECD). Missing data have been filled in by applying statistical methods explained in the Methodology. As a consequence, the figures presented in the PREDICT Dataset may not be directly comparable with those of corresponding indicators published by Eurostat.

The PREDICT Dataset can be downloaded:

1. As a set of individual zip files per macroeconomic variable.

Each zip file contains one or more excel files portraying data (in some cases one for euro and one for PPS values) and another corresponding to metadata (containing reference to sources, and to whether each specific cell is estimated or corresponds to the originally available data). The data structure is explained in the first sheet of each file.

  • 22 JUNE 2022
Value Added
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Gross Output
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Employment Predict
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Hours Worked
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Labour Productivity per person employed
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Labour Productivity per hour worked
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Business R&D Expenditure
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Business R&D Personnel
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Business R&D Researchers
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Euro Exchange Rates
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Purchasing Power Parities
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Price Index



2. As a single compressed Excel or CSV file (long format):

  • 22 JUNE 2022
Predict core dataset csv
  • 22 JUNE 2022
Predict core dataset xlsx