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Sunny and dry spring weather, tractor with high wheels is making fertilizer on young wheat.
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According to the March issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe, published today, winter crops entered spring in fair to good condition in most parts of Europe following a predominantly mild winter. Weather and terrain conditions allowed for a good start to field operations.

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A summary of several unique experimental studies carried out by Joint Research Centre scientists on blockchain solutions for energy systems showing the potential blockchain has to revolutionise the energy market. Considerations and recommendations for policymakers are gathered in 5 clusters.

  • 1 min read
Handover of expert panels on medical devices and in vitro diagnostics from the Commission’s Joint Research Centre to the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
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The Commission’s expert panels on medical devices and in vitro diagnostic medical devices will be handed over to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

  • 2 min read
In most parts of Europe, winter cereals are faring well.
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The February issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin - Crop monitoring in Europe and the February edition of the JRC MARS Bulletin global outlook series on North Africa report a dry winter in much of Europe and North Africa.

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Investments in environmentally harmful activities are becoming more and more risky from a financial perspective. European Commission Strategy for...

  • 2 min read
Visual SG-DOIT
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The Joint Research Centre recentlylaunched an online portal where laboratories, academia and industry can meet and exchange knowledge and experience...

  • 2 min read
photo of hydrogen production from renewables
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A new JRC study, Blending hydrogen from electrolysis into the European gas grid, investigates the implications for gas systems of blending hydrogen...

  • 1 min read
Vulnerability Gap
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With continued global warming induced by enhanced greenhouse gas concentrations, extreme weather and climate related risks are becoming increasingly...

  • 2 min read
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In the context of the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy, the JRC is launching the IN-PACT questionnaire to assess to what extent...

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A new paper, Drawing policy insights from social innovation cases in the energy field, co-authored by scientists from the European Commission's Joint...

  • 1 min read
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Eutrophication is a plague for aquatic ecosystems and affects human welfare through multiple effects on ecosystem services. Setting nutrient...

  • 1 min read