Food Safety & Compliance Laboratory - European Commission Skip to main content
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Food Safety & Compliance Laboratory

The Food Safety & Compliance Laboratory is the analytical facility supporting food and feed safety and compliance policies.

Visualisation of the two phases from a feed matrix

The Food Safety & Compliance (FSC) Laboratory is the analytical facility supporting food and feed safety and compliance policies.

The FSC Laboratory forms an integrated analytical platform covering different life sciences areas. It is equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation and equipment for the identification and quantification of main components or trace contaminants present in food and feed. Since 2020, that expertise has been expanded towards the detection and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 viruses in clinical and wastewater samples.

The FSC Laboratory is specialised in the analysis of Nucleic Acids, Elements, Organic Contaminants, Food Allergens and Feed Additives.

FSC Equipment


Recent publications:


  • Breidbach A, Nørgaard JV, Cubero-Leon E, Martinez Esteso MJ. (2022) Assignment of a Reference Value of Total Cow's Milk Protein Content in Baked Cookies Used in an Interlaboratory Comparison. Foods. 18;11(6):869.
  • Corbisier P, Marchini A, et al. (2022) A qualitative RT-PCR assay for the specific identification of the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.529 (Omicron) Variant of Concern. J Clin Virol.; 152:105191.
  • Corbisier P, Buttinger G, Savini C, et al. (2022) Expression of GM content in mass fraction from digital PCR data. Food Control. 133(Pt B):108626.
  • Milavec M, Pavšič J, Bogožalec Košir A, et al. (2022) The performance of human cytomegalovirus digital PCR reference measurement procedure in seven external quality assessment schemes over four years. Methods. 201:65-73.
  • Gonçalves, C., Tölgyesi, Á., Bouten, K., et al. (2022) Determination of Alternaria Toxins in Food by SPE and LC-IDMS: Development and In-House Validation of a Candidate Method for     Standardisation. Separations 9, 70.
  • Gatto F, Savini C, Sacco MG, et al. (2022) Single and multi-laboratory validation of a droplet digital PCR method. Food Control. 140:109117.


  • Cordeiro, F., Cubero-Leon, E., Nørgaard, J., et al. (2021) Total cow’s milk protein in cookies: the first interlaboratory comparison with a well-defined measurand fit for food allergen risk assessment. Accred Qual Assur 26, 177–181
  • Belz, S., Bianchi, I., Cella, C., Emteborg, H., et al. (2021) Current status of the quantification of microplastics in water - Results of a JRC/BAM inter-laboratory comparison study on  in   water (2021)
  • Stroka J., Robouch P., and Goncalves C. (2021) Aspects of Food and Feed Safety regarding insects and the flow of commodities, JRC, Geel, 2021, JRC124260


  • Broothaerts W., Cordeiro F., Robouch P., Emons H. (2020) Ten years of proficiency testing reveals an improvement in the analytical performance of EU National Reference Laboratories for genetically modified food and feed, Food Control, Volume 114,
  • Broothaerts W, Cordeiro F, Corbisier P, et al. (2020) Log transformation of proficiency testing data on the content of genetically modified organisms in food and feed samples: is it justified? Anal Bioanal Chem. 412(5):1129-1136.
  • Martinez-Esteso MJ, O'Connor G, Nørgaard J, et al. (2020) A reference method for determining the total allergenic protein content in a processed food: the case of milk in cookies as proof of concept. Anal Bioanal Chem. 412(30):8249-8267.
  • Snell, J., Van Britsom, G., Garcia-Ruiz, S., Hoekstra, E. (2020) Migration of elements from bakeware with different food simulants, European Commission, Geel, JRC122392