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EU Science Hub

Science for security

Contributes to European Commission priorites
  • 24 FEBRUARY 2023
JRC portfolio 30: Science for security


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The JRC carries out research aimed at preventing and mitigating industrial accidents and technological accidents due to natural disasters, as well as at improving safety in construction.

The JRC supports the implementation of EU legislation on civil aviation security, primarily by developing test materials to verify the performance of screening equipment.

The JRC border security research supports the Commission's plans towards stronger external borders, improved border management, and information exchange.

The JRC border security research supports the Commission's plans towards stronger external borders, improved border management, and information exchange.

The JRC provides technical support for the creation of a common information sharing system, jointly developed by the Commission and EU national authorities, in order to harmonise data on maritime surveillance.

Critical infrastructures include power grids, the transport network and information and communication systems. Protection of these infrastructures is vital for the security of the EU and the well-being of its citizens.

The development of drone (unmanned aircraft systems - UAS) services supported by a competitive industry can strongly support Europe and contribute to the future resilience of the EU economy.

The safe handling, storage and disposal of nuclear fuel is hugely important in the area of nuclear research. It includes issues of long-term storage, retrievability and recoverability requirements, and safe decommissioning.

The JRC supports efforts to protect citizens from the disaster risks, both accidental and deliberate, of hazardous industrial installations.

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