- Contributes to European Commission priorites
Green transitions foster welfare and well-being through a new sustainable economic model, while ensuring socioeconomic systems remain within ecological planetary boundaries.
Our goals:
- Quantify progress towards the European Green Deal goals and targets across all European Green Deal domains addressing impacts and benefits within and beyond EU borders.
- Identify how we can best address synergies, trade-offs, and gaps in policies via integrated approaches and life cycle assessment of value chains.
- Identify what needs to be done to deliver a truly green and regenerative economy, that gives back to the planet more than it takes remaining within planetary boundaries, in a socially inclusive, fair and just manner .

- Agriculture and Rural Development
- Climate Action
- Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
- Energy
- Environment
- Eurostat - European statistics
- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union
- Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- International Partnerships
- Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
- Mobility and Transport
- Regional and Urban Policy
- Research and Innovation
- Health and Food Safety