- Contributes to European Commission priorites
Europe needs to seize the opportunities brought by the digital transformation in terms of attracting investments, remaining a competitive economy and retaining emerging, highly specialised, value-added jobs. However, a deep transformation such as the one facilitated by digital technologies brings complex and interlinked challenges that need to be managed properly.
Our goals:
Contribute to the development and implementation of EU policies towards a successful, efficient and fair digital transition of the European economy and society.
Analyse the socio-economic impact of current and emerging facets of the digital transformation.
Identify potential strengths, competitive advantages and societal gains that could be seized during the digital transition of European societies and economies.

- Agriculture and Rural Development
- Communications Networks, Content and Technology
- Competition
- Defence Industry and Space
- Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
- Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
- Energy
- Environment
- Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets UnionHealth and Food Safety
- Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority
- Informatics
- Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- Justice and Consumers
- Mobility and Transport
- Regional and Urban Policy
- Research and Innovation
- Secretariat-General
- Structural Reform Support
- Taxation and Customs Union