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News announcement17 December 20201 min read

The Strategic Trade Atlas: focus on global trade flows of military and dual-use goods

The Strategic Trade Atlas developed by the JRC and US Department of Energy promotes the understanding of global trade of goods of militarily strategic value.

The term Strategic Trade refers to the trade of goods of militarily strategic value, including dual-use goods.
The term Strategic Trade refers to the trade of goods of militarily strategic value, including dual-use goods.
© yang yu – Adobe

The Strategic Trade Atlas developed by the JRC and US Department of Energy promotes the understanding of global trade of goods of militarily strategic value.

The term Strategic Trade refers to the trade of goods of militarily strategic value, including dual-use goods.

Dual-use items are goods, software or technology, which are normally used for civilian purposes, but which may have military applications, or contribute to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Understanding better the international trade of strategic military and dual-use goods helps to reduce the risk of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The Strategic Trade Atlas aims to facilitate this understanding by providing easily understandable visualisations of the imports and exports of 70 strategic commodity groups for 188 countries.

The Atlas functions as a reference tool for policy makers and organisations active in strategic trade controls. It has also been used to train officials in charge of trade controls.

The Atlas was first published as a book.

An interactive online version of the Atlas is now also available.

About the EU Dual-Use Regulation

The EU Dual-Use Regulation sets out the licence requirements for the export, transfer, brokering and transit of listed dual-use items.

It combines the different international control lists relating to WMDs.

The Regulation aims to mitigate the risk of WMD proliferation, facilitate legitimate trade and prevent unfair competition between EU Member States.


Publication date
17 December 2020