interactive dashboard - Rhomolo - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • News article
  • 20 December 2021
  • 1 min read

A new JRC interactive dashboard on the effects of the EU cohesion policy 2014-20 in Portugal

JRC has just launched a set of interactive dashboards containing detailed results on the macroeconomic impact assessment of the 2014-2020 Cohesion Policy investments in Portugal. Barbero and Salotti (2021) illustrate the analysis in detail, and the dashboards give access to additional results that can be explored by the user disaggregating the results by region, by Fund, and by time period.

The results

The RHOMOLO model was used to analyse the impact of the investments related to the European Cohesion policy in Portugal over the 2014-2020 programming period. The model allows identifying the direct and indirect effects stemming from a variety of spending categories and economic channels. The policy interventions are modelled with both demand and supply side shocks exerting short and long run effects, the latter being related to changes in labour productivity, transport costs, and total factor productivity.

Results show that the €30 billion of Cohesion policy investments can increase Portugal’s GDP by 3.5% at the end of the implementation period, and that additional benefits in terms of GDP and employment continue to materialise after the end of the monetary injections. The interactive dashboard allows exploring region-, Fund-, and field-of-intervention-specific results to get a complete picture of the impact of Cohesion policy in Portugal.

Further information

Related Content

Interactive dashboard on Cohesion policy 2014-2020 in Portugal

Full Technical Report by Barbero and Salotti (2021)


Publication date
20 December 2021