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News article2 February 20212 min read

ESARDA Bulletin now indexed in Scopus

Cover of EASRDA bulletin number 60 – June 2020
Cover of EASRDA bulletin number 60 – June 2020
© ESARDA, 2020

The Bulletin of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), the International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-Proliferation, is now indexed in Scopus.

ESARDA and the JRC jointly publish the ESARDA Bulletin since the 1970s. In 2020, the bulletin passed all the steps towards acceptance by the Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board. From issue number 60 (June 2020) it is inserted in the Scopus database.

Why is it important?

Nuclear safeguards are measures ensuring that nuclear materials are not diverted to non-peaceful applications. They rely on the verification by inspectors of the nuclear materials records declared by operators. Nuclear inspectors need the most updated technologies and equipment to ensure the highest accuracy and efficiency in carrying out their duties.

Since 1969, the European Safeguards Research and Development Association brings together experts from European organisations and non-European associated members to advance and harmonize research and development in nuclear safeguards.

European Safeguards Bulletin – Autumn 1976
European Safeguards Bulletin – Autumn 1976
© ESARDA, 2020

European Safeguards Bulletin: Pre-BULLETIN Series Issue No.1 Autumn 1976

ESARDA Working Groups meet every year to exchange progress and best practices. They focus on Destructive and Non Destructive Analysis techniques, nuclear materials Containment and Surveillance, and Verification Technologies and Methodologies. To keep pace with the evolution and the needs of the safeguards community, working groups on safeguards in Final Disposal repositories and on the relation between nuclear safeguards and Export Control regimes have been added recently.

In addition, knowledge preservation and diffusion benefit from the constant efforts of the working group on Training and Knowledge Management and of the Editorial Committee in charge of the publication of the ESARDA Bulletin, the International Journal of Nuclear Safeguards and Non-Proliferation. Twice a year, peer-reviewed scientific articles related to nuclear safeguards, verification and non-proliferation are published there. Independent reviewers and members of the Editorial Committee are the reviewers of the papers submitted.

Today, the international community acknowledges the scientific value of the ESARDA Bulletin. This will consolidate the excellence of the safeguards research and increase the attractiveness of this field.

What is the JRC doing?

Since the establishment of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association, JRC has been one of the main players providing through generations of scientists high-quality contributions and continuity. Besides the scientific exchanges and the active involvement in the activities of the Working Groups, the JRC scientists from Ispra, Karlsruhe, Geel and Petten sites have taken in turn with other organisations the presidency of the Association and the chairs of the various working groups.

They actively participate in the Editorial Committee and of the Editorial Board of the ESARDA Bulletin. With the recognition of the ESARDA Bulletin as peer-reviewed Journal in Scopus, the Association created the ESARDA Connector, collecting ESARDA news and announcements, regular reports of the Working Groups, presentation of new Members and technical articles.

Finally, JRC Ispra takes care of the ESARDA editorial activities, the organisation of events and the management of the website.

Complementary information

The ESARDA Training course is an educational and training event organised every year in Ispra that provides master students and young professionals with a one-week immersive course on nuclear safeguards and non-proliferation.

The course takes place online from 12 to 16 April 2021. The deadline for registration is 26 March 2021.

Further information can be found on Esarda website and the Esarda Bulletin Issues.

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Publication date
2 February 2021