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News article6 August 20203 min read

COVID-19 media surveillance - 6 August 2020

This media surveillance collects articles reported through publicly available web sites.

Geolocations mentioned in coronavirus media coverage showing large clusters of news reports.
Geolocations mentioned in coronavirus media coverage showing large clusters of news reports.
© European Union, 2020, EMM/MEDISYS

This media surveillance collects articles reported through publicly available web sites.

It is created with the Europe Media Monitor (EMM).

The selection and placement of stories are determined automatically by a computer program.



The following news were found among the most mentioned/retweeted items:

  • "How the pandemic defeated America" (theatlantic)
  • "One death every 80 seconds: The grim new toll of COVID-19 in America" (nbcnews)
  • "Jonathan Swan reveals the simple secret to exposing Trump's lies: basic follow-up questions" (cnn)
  • "The 9 wildest answers in Trump’s interview with Jonathan Swan" (nymag)
  • "Voices from the pandemic. ‘I’m sorry, but it’s a fantasy’ Jeff Gregorich, superintendent, on trying to reopen his schools safely" (washingtonpost)
  • "There is no magic solution and perhaps there never will be one, WHO says" (lanacion)
  • "Twitter suspends Trump account due to misinformation about coronavirus" (elfinanceiro)

The most mentioned English sources were the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, CNN, and the Guardian.

RT (Spanish Version), CNN (Spanish Version), Infobae, El Pais and El Diario, and Le Monde and Le Parisien were among the most mentioned Spanish and French sources, respectively.

Extracted Quotes

Tedros Adhanom (WHO, Director-General):

"Sharing vaccines or sharing other tools actually helps the world to recover together. The economic recovery can be faster and the damage from Covid-19 could be less"; "Vaccine nationalism is not good, it will not help us".

Fact Check

Fact checked: health-related claims

  • Fact checkers debunk claims that masks do not protect against the coronavirus (afpfactuel).
  • Fact checkers debunk claims that citrus fruit peels contain the same basic ingredients as chloroquine and ivermectin, adding that chloroquine has been shown to be ineffective at treating COVID-19 and that while ivermectin has shown some promise in early studies to treat COVID-19, it has not been properly vetted and approved to treat the disease (agencialupa).

Fact checked: anti-vax claims

  • Fact checkers debunk claims that the BBC published a travel piece stating that there will be microchips in the Gates-funded COVID-19 vaccine, reporting that the BBC article in question does not mention microchips being used in vaccines (misbar).
  • Fact checkers debunk claims that after the COVID-19 vaccine, the world population will go down to 1 billion people (stopfake).
  • Fact checkers debunk claims that a vaccine is not needed because there is already a cure for COVID-19, that is, asthma medicine budesonide, reporting that the asthma medicine has not been proven as a COVID-19 cure (

Fact checked: conspiracy theories

  • Fact checkers debunk claims from a paper linking 5G technology to the coronavirus, reporting that the journal that published the paper has now removed it from their website (fullfact).

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Publication date
6 August 2020