Northern Europeans mostly perceive their life as fair
On average, about half of European adults either strongly agree (11%) or agree (43 %) with the statement that their lives are fair. But perceptions of fairness differ widely across EU Member States.
People in Ireland (79%), Denmark (78%) and Finland (76%) have quite positive opinions on fairness.
Only 26% of Greeks, 36% of Croatians and 39 % of Bulgarians and Cypriots believe that their life is fair.

Note: The figure shows fairness perceptions across Europe. Individual perceptions of fairness are approximated by the rate of agreement (agree or strongly agree) with the statement ‘I believe that most of the things that happen in my life are fair’. Survey weights account for socio-demographic characteristics. Source: JRC calculations based on the Eurobarometer on fairness, JRC fairness report (2020).
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