- applied sciences
- Monday 13 May 2019, 11:30 - Friday 17 May 2019, 19:45 (CEST)
Practical information
- When
- Monday 13 May 2019, 11:30 - Friday 17 May 2019, 19:45 (CEST)
- Languages
- English
The European Space Agency (ESA) Living Planet Symposium is one of the biggest Earth observation conferences in the world. Organised by the ESA every three years, about 3 000 participants attended last time, and at least as many are expected this year.
This symposium focuses on how Earth observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.
The symposium is arranged around 4 themes: Earth Science, Earth Observation Missions, Space 4.0 & Earth Observation, Benefits for a Resilient Society.
Scientific sessions are at the core of the symposium. These each includes five 20-minute presentations and are complemented by poster displays. The papers presented during the sessions will be published in the symposium proceedings.
Many JRC scientists will be attending the event as convenors and/or presenters in over 20 sessions with 29 oral presentations and 20 posters.
The second important activity as of this year will be wider discussions on selected topics in an “Agorà” format. These agorà are intended to complement the scientific sessions with broader discussions among a more diverse audience (policymakers, space industry). The agorà venues will have a capacity for about 100 people and will typically last half a day.
The JRC is organising three ESA agorà:
- Earth Observervation for Africa - A question of scale (Monday 13 May, 16:00-18:00)
- Copernicus Global Land for integrated land management (Tuesday 14 May, 13:00-14:00)
- Earth Observation for Policy Forum (Tuesday 14 May, 14:00-17:00)
The symposium is complemented with a rich exhibition, including booths and posters.
Come and meet us at booth 46 to find out about
Booth 46 is in front of the Copernicus booth, to which the JRC also contributes with the Copernicus Global Land and Emergency Management Services.
More information can be found on the ESA Living Planet Symposium website or on the
of events.
JRC presentations at the ESA Living Planet Symposium
Monday 13 May
15:40-17:30 Space 4.0 Security (Convener: H. Greidanus)
- 16:10 Remote Sensing of Fluorescence - G. Duveiller - Towards establishing a high-spatial resolution fluorescence archive for TROPOMI
- 17:00 Heritage Missions - A. Belward - The AVHRRs’ legacy in global terrestrial data set creation and use
Tuesday, 14 May
- 09:45 GEOGLAM #1 - F. Rembold - Recent improvements for the anomaly hot spots of agricultural production (ASAP) early warning decision support system
10:40-12:20 GEOGLAM #2 (Convener B. Baruth)
- 10:55 GEOGLAM #2 - C. Weissteiner - Semi-automatic identification of pure pixels of main crop groups from medium-resolution imagery at EU level
- 14:15 Supporting the Science of Climate Change - G. Janssens-Maenhout - Bridging User Communities with Earth Observation Data in Support of the Paris Agreement
Wednesday, 15 May
- 09:30-10:30 EO for the SDG indicators - M. Dowell - Lightening talk from the European Commission
10:40-12:20 Agriculture: CAP monitoring (Convener: W. Devos)
- 10:40 Agriculture: CAP monitoring - W. Devos - Towards Sentinel based monitoring of the Common Agricultural Policy area subsidies
- 11:10 Remote Sensing of Energy budget - R. Alkama - Self-mitigation of sea-ice melting via clouds radiative feedback
- 13:45 Agriculture: Innovative Practices - R. d'Andrimont - Targeted Grassland Monitoring at Parcel Level Using Sentinels, Street-Level Images and Field Observations
- 14:45 Land Surface Temperature #1- G. Duveiller - From land surface temperature to air temperature: leveraging on both climate and geography
- 14:30 Big EO Data Analytics #2 - P. Kempeneers - Full resolution global Sentinel-2 mosaics: an effective and efficient method based on Quicklooks and Cloud Masks
15:40-17:20 Land-Climate Interactions (Convener: G. Duveiller)
Thursday, 16 May
8:30-10:10 In-situ Collection for Agriculture (Conveners: R. D'Andrimont, M. Van Der Velde)
- 09:00 In-situ Collection for Agriculture - G. Lemoine - Monitoring crop phenology with street-level imagery using computer vision: a study case in the Netherlands
- 09:15 In-situ Collection for Agriculture - P. Strobl - An Assessment of the LUCAS 2018 Copernicus Survey
8:30-10:10 Inland Water Bodies #1 (Convener: J.-F. Pekel)
- 08:45 Inland Water Bodies #1 - J.-F. Pekel - Global Surface Water Explorer: toward a near real-time monitoring of water surface dynamics using Landsat and Sentinel data
- 08:45 Large Area Land Change - C. Vancutsem - High-resolution mapping of pan-tropical evergreen forest cover dynamics from 1982 to 2017
- 11:40 Global Forest Biomass Monitoring #2 - V. Avitabile - Assessing forest biomass maps with harmonized inventory data in Europe
13:30-15:10 AI and Data Analytics #1 (Convener: P. Kempeneers)
- 14:00 Land Surface Phenology #2 - M. Dimou - Development of a Method for Linking Land Surface Phenology with FAO Crop Calndars for Eighty Countries Monitored by ASAP
15:40-17:20 Radiative Transfer Modeling (Convener: N. Gobron)
- 16:40 Radiative Transfer Modeling - B. Bulgarelli - Radiative Transfer Modeling for Cal/Val Activities in Ocean Color Remote Sensing
Friday, 17 May
- 11:10 REDD+ - F. Achard - New estimates of carbon losses from disturbances in tropical evergreen forests derived from the full Landsat archive
- 11:10 EO for Resilient Cities #1 - D. Ehrlich - Quantifying Global Exposure And Resilience Of Cities And Human Settlements to Hazard Impact
- 11:55 Ocean Colour #2 - B. Bulgarelli - On the impact of Adjacency Effects in Earth Observations from Coastal Waters
- 14:00 Optical Cal/val #3 - N. Gobron - Evaluation of Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B OLCI FAPAR
Milan, IT