Related reports
- Composite indices and preference-based measures of wellbeing - Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2025, discusses two different approaches to measuring well-being, composite indicators and preference-based measures.
- Sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: achievements and challenges of the European approach to prosperity - Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2025, summarizes the findings of the SIWB dashboard analysis in a policy brief format.
- Measuring sustainable and inclusive wellbeing: a multidimensional dashboard approach - Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2025, presents the SIWB multidimensional indicator dashboard and some preliminary analyses based on the dashboard of 50 indicators and corresponding synthetic indices.
- Europe’s sustainable competitiveness future: justice, wellbeing, and innovation - Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2024, highlights from the workshop 'Justice, Wellbeing and Innovation in the Context of a New Economic Model' held on 14 June 2024.
- Sustainable and Inclusive Wellbeing, the road forward - Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2024, outlines the Commission’s effort to develop a sustainable and inclusive wellbeing framework and novel metrics, as announced in the 2023 Strategic Foresight Report.
- New metrics for sustainable prosperity: Options for GDP+3 - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD), 2024, aims to provide a simple set of 4 headline indicators (including GDP) to inform policymaking at the highest level.
- Monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context - Eurostat, 2024, builds on the EU SDG indicator set, developed in cooperation with a large number of stakeholders and closely aligned with the 8th Environment Action Programme and the European Pillar of Social Rights.
- Health-adjusted income: complementing GDP to reflect the valuation of life expectancy - JRC, 2023, provides the details of pilot study presented in the 2023 Strategic Foresight Report.
- Developing alternative visions for assessing progress to sustainable development ‘Beyond GDP’ - RTD, 2023, develops 2 alternative visions for a ‘beyond GDP’ set of indicators to continuously assess global progress to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Related initiatives
- The Joint Employment Report 2024 provides an annual overview of key employment and social developments in the EU and Member States, including a detailed assessment of the 'Social Scoreboard'.
- The 2024 EU regional social progress index serves as a tool to facilitate benchmarking across EU regions on a wide range of criteria, helping policymakers and stakeholders to assess a region's strong and weak points on social and environmental aspects.
- Growth for good: reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe (2022), by Commission economist Alessio Terzi, takes a multidisciplinary approach to the concept of economic growth.
- Distributional national account estimates for household income and consumption: methodological issues and experimental results (2022) presents the work accomplished by the OECD-Eurostat Expert Group on the reconciliation of national account aggregates and micro data.
- Since their release in 2021, the Resilience Dashboards aim to provide a holistic assessment of resilience in the EU and its Member States. In relation to ongoing societal transformations and challenges ahead, the dashboards assess resilience as the ability to make progress towards policy objectives amidst challenges.
- Economic Policy-Making Beyond GDP: An Introduction (2021) reviews the pros and cons of some of the ongoing efforts, in Europe and beyond, laying out potential avenues for future scholarship on the topic.
- The Transition Performance Index (2021) is a composite indicator, which measures the performance of countries along 4 transitions: economic, social, environmental and governance, reflecting the path taken by various countries over the past decade towards inclusive and prosperous sustainability.
- Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2020: 'Leaving no one behind and striving for more: fairness and solidarity in the European social market economy' explains why social fairness and solidarity is more important than ever.
- The ESDE Working paper The rise of the paradigm of sustainability and the quest for its measurement in the social domain (2020) reviews the concept of sustainability (in its economic, social and environmental dimension) in its historical evolution, its rise to prominence in the policy domain and the difficulties linked to its operationalisation in the social field.
- The Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2019: 'Sustainable growth for all: choices for the future of Social Europe' confirms that the EU is well placed to protect and enhance citizens’ living standards while pursuing an ambitious transition to an environmentally sustainable economy.
- EU Quality of life indicators present a range of statistics for different aspects on how quality of life can be assessed.
Public debates
- The Beyond Growth 2023 Conference, organised by 20 MEPs in the European Parliament in May 2023, was a multi-stakeholder event aiming to discuss and co-create policies for sustainable prosperity in Europe, based on a systemic and transformative approach.
- Measuring what matters: looking beyond GDP was a Youth Policy Dialogue held in November 2022 with Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni.
For more, see the 'Beyond GDP' archive.