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EU Science Hub
Standardisation at the Joint Research Centre

Standards shape our world: they determine the way we use and design our buildings, our transport, how we produce and consume our food, how we provide healthcare, and how we interact with our environment. At the Joint Research Centre (JRC), scientists engage in fundamental and pre-normative research (definitions, laboratory procedures, guidelines, methodologies, etc.) with the objective of translating scientific findings into practical regulation. On this page, you can learn more about the role of the JRC in the standardisation process.

The JRC provides evidence-based knowledge and science in support to EU policies that positively impact our society. Standards is a powerful vehicle for translating science into policymaking. The JRC contributes to standards in physical sciences, chemistry, health, ICT, life sciences, and nuclear safety and security. In addition to their scientific work, JRC researchers take part in the committees and working groups of European and international standards organisations. Here they work with stakeholders to develop state of the art standards in regard to security and safety in Europe and beyond. Other important work in standardisation is done at the labs, providing reference materials and carrying out work on validation and certification.

Technical Committees
Working Groups
Staff Members Involved

To anticipate future needs on standardisation, the JRC organises the Putting Science Into Standards Workshops (PSIS) together with European standardisation organisation CEN-CENELEC. This is a foresight tool that selects a technology field in need for the support of standards. PSIS brings together the research, industrial, policy making and standardisation communities under the same umbrella to take stock of current research and standardisation initiatives and to take the necessary steps to fulfil future standardisation requirements. Past workshops have focussed, among others, on hydrogen, data requirements for artificial intelligence, organ-on-chip and quantum technologies.