Core team
Lead Scientist
Leire Salazar
Leire Salazar is the Lead Scientist of the JRC - Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) project "Social Classes in the Digital Age" (DIGCLASS), since April...
Project Officers
Carlos J. Gil Hernández
Carlos J. Gil Hernández works as a Social Scientist at the JRC - Centre for Advanced Studies in the project `Social Classes in the Digital Age´
Guillem Vidal Lorda
Guillem is a researcher at theJoint Research Centre, where he works on the interaction between inequality, digitalization and social policy.He...
Davide Villani
Davide is researcher at the Joint Research Centre, where he works for the Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) on the project Social Classes in the...
Core Collaborators
Marta Fana
Marta Fana is currently researcher in the Employment and Skills team of the Joint Research Centre, mainly working on the dynamics of occupational...
Enrique Fernández-Macías
Enrique Fernández-Macías is currently coordinating the Employment and Skills team of the Joint Research Centre, developing a research programme on the...
Sergio Torrejón Pérez
I joined the JRC, where I work as an economic and policy analyst, in May 2019.The team I joined is specialised mainly in the following areas: labour...
Matteo Sostero
I am an empirical labour economist, and my research interests include the impact of innovation and digital technology on the world of work. In the JRC...
The DIGCLASS project network includes strong links with other CAS projects:
And other units and groups within the JRC:
We also collaborate with external organisations and academic experts at various institutions:
- Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
- Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI)
- Basque Center for Language Technology (HiTZ - UPV-EHU)
- Carlos III University
- Duke University
- European University Institute
- London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- National Distance Education University (UNED)
- Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
- Stockholm University
- University College London
- University of Barcelona
- University of Cambridge
- University of Konstanz
- University of Lausanne
- University of Oxford
- University of Seville
- University of Zurich
- Vrije University Amsterdam
- WZB Berlin Social Science Centre