DIGCLASS - Publications - European Commission
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EU Science Hub

Working Paper Series

The JRC Working paper series on Social Classes in the Digital Age (DCLASS) addresses socioeconomic and policy questions related to the role of social classes in contemporary societies, with a particular focus on the challenges posed by technological transformations. The working paper series welcomes original contributions from different disciplines, including sociology, economics and political science. In addition, both original theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.

Working papers are useful to communicate and disseminate to a broad audience the preliminary research findings of the work developed by the team and external contributions to generate discussion and attract critical comments for further improvements. Therefore, the working papers are considered work in progress and are subject to peer-review (internal and external).

Working papers are published with a free licence, and authors can, of course, reuse the material for publication in academic journals.

Download the guidelines:

  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022

All submissions should be in English and sent to JRC-CAS-DIGCLASS@ec.europa.eu with "Working Paper Series Submission" as the subject.


Here we will publish reports summarising the workshops, seminars and other activities organised by the DIGCLASS Project.

Policy Briefs

Here we will publish policy briefs covering pressing issues for the European Commission that are related to the research lines of the DIGCLASS Project.


The DIGCLASS R package aims to simplify the translation between occupational social classes coding most social class schema with just a few lines of code. It also includes other functions, such as converting or repairing the ISCO codes. It facilitates the translation of the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) from 1968, 1988 and 2008, and the classification of European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO) to a wide range of social class schemes and socioeconomic scales used by social stratification and inequality scholars such as EGP, ESeC, ESeG, Oesch, Wright, ORDC, ISEI, among others.

The DIGCLASS R Package is developed by our team in collaboration with Jorge Cimentada and Oscar Smallenbroek. Below are all the documentation and installation tools on the code.europa.eu platform.