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EU Science Hub

Slavica Zec



Slavica Zec is a scientific officer at the Finance and Economy unit of the Joint Research Center. She has been engaged in research activities relative to the assessment of the societal resilience in the EU from the individual, regional and national perspective. She was also involved in the ABSPO (Towards an Absolute Poverty Measurement in the EU) project, in particular in exploiting the potential of reference budgets for the purposes of poverty measurement.

Previously, she was a researcher at the Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health (University of Padova), working on the policy aspects of child safety and human nutrition. From 2010 to 2015 she was a junior researcher at the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies (FBK - Trento) where she was engaged in several project related to the counterfactual impact evaluation of national and international policy interventions.  She holds a PhD in Statistics obtained at the University of Padova and has teaching experience in the field of statistics for biomedical and social studies and impact evaluation of public policies.

Her research interests range between the fairness aspects of the green transition, sustainable wellbeing and social determinants of health and resilience.