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EU Science Hub

Scientific tools & databases

On the basis of our open data principles we publish tools and databases with clear descriptions for each entry here on the Science Hub.

The range of work carried out at the JRC includes the

  • compilation of databases
  • development of software and modelling tools

On the basis of our open data principles we publish tools and databases with clear descriptions for each entry here on the Science Hub.

The tools and databases are categorised by name and acronym, but can be filtered by research area, keyword and JRC institute responsible for the coordination of the particular entry. 

To search specific datasets or collections, the JRC Data Catalogue opens access to our data.

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Scientific tools & databases (65)

Showing results 20 to 40

Explore and visualise data on migration-related topics in 198 countries and territories worldwide.

The EURL ECVAM Search Guide provides search principles and procedures, suggested search terms and user guidance together with an inventory of...

The action planner classifies over 70 food waste prevention actions implemented in various countries.

The FuturGov serious game was developed as a part of the The future of government 2030+: A citizen centric perspective of new government models with the aim of stimulating policy debates.

As a contribution to the effort of enhancing research results' exploitation while defining a way forward, the Gaps Explorer provides targeted recommendations, tailored to policymakers, practitioners and scientists.

The Gender Equality Strategy monitoring portal is an online tool accompanying the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. It is designed to monitor the implementation of the Strategy by tracking performances across EU in its three main dimensions.

GEM-E3 is an applied general equilibrium model that covers the interactions between the Economy, the Energy system and the Environment. It is well...

The Global Conflict Risk Index (GCRI) expresses the statistical risk of violent conflict in a given country in the coming 1-4 years and is exclusively based on quantitative indicators from open sources.

INSPIRE ensures that the environmental geospatial data of EU countries is comparable and interoperable.

The JRC hosts a repository of representative industrial nanomaterials (NM) including nanomaterials studied in the OECD testing programme and large...

The JRC QSAR Model Database is a database of quantitative/qualitative structure activity relationship models (QSARs) typically used for predicting...

JRC-GEM-E3 is an applied general equilibrium model that covers the interactions between the Economy, the Energy system and the Environment.