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EU Science Hub

User Manual

Since the use of PTTMAM requires a Vensim® DSS license, we assume some familiarity with the system dynamics modelling approach. A concise user manual is available here:

  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022

Technical Report

A description of the model can be found in the JRC Technical Report Powertrain Technology Transition Market Agent Model – An introduction.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

PTTMAM has been used to produce the following peer-reviewed publications. The versions of the model used for the analysis reported in those papers differ from the version currently available for download on this webpage.

Harrison, G., Gómez Vilchez, J. J., & Thiel, C. (2018). Industry strategies for the promotion of E-mobility under alternative policy and economic scenarios. European Transport Research Review, 10(2). doi:10.1186/s12544-018-0296-6

Harrison, G., & Thiel, C. (2017). An exploratory policy analysis of electric vehicle sales competition and sensitivity to infrastructure in Europe. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 114, 165–178. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.08.007

Harrison, G., & Thiel, C. (2017). Policy insights and modelling challenges: The case of passenger car powertrain technology transition in the European Union. European Transport Research Review, 9(3). doi:10.1007/s12544-017-0252-x

Pasaoglu, G., Harrison, G., Jones, L., Hill, A., Beaudet, A., & Thiel, C. (2016). A system dynamics based market agent model simulating future powertrain technology transition: Scenarios in the EU light duty vehicle road transport sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 104, 133–146. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2015.11.028

Related Content

JRC publication: Powertrain Technology Transition Market Agent Model (PTTMAM): An Introduction