EU GNSS Testing and Demonstration Hub - European Commission
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EU Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Testing and Demonstration Hub

The hub, a world-class ecosystem of testing laboratories to support implementation of the GNSS component of the EU Space Programme, is open to Horizon Europe project consortia

Testing capabilities

The GNSS Testing and Demonstration Hub is backed by a team of scientists and engineers in charge of the testing and evaluation of the platforms being assessed.­­­

An inventory of all the GNSS testing capabilities that the hub can offer has been developed through a cooperation agreement with the Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space and the EU Agency for the Space Programme (ESPA).

This inventory was updated in 2024 and technical details can be found in the Inventory of GNSS Testing Capabilities.

JRC Testing and Demonstration Hub for the GNSS Component of the EU Space Programme - 2024
  • General publications
  • 28 May 2024
JRC GNSS Testing and Demonstration Hub: Inventory of GNSS testing capabilities

Horizon Europe PNT projects

The EU research framework programme, Horizon Europe, contains a stream of R&D actions related to the conception, design, testing and operational deployment of EU PNT services.

Many of the actions develop prototype user equipment and navigation platforms using present and future Galileo and EGNOS services. These actions require state-of-the-art testing facilities where the performance and proper functioning of the platforms and systems developed can be thoroughly and quantitatively assessed.


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Laboratories involved

Inside view of the EMSL facility

European Microwave Signature Laboratory and EU GNSS Simulation and Receiver Testing Facilities


Living labs integrate research and innovation processes in real life communities and settings