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EU Science Hub

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable finance involves considering environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors when making financial investments to support a more sustainable economy

JRC: supporting sustainable finance and economy

The JRC uses its scientific and technical expertise to support policy development in sustainable finance and economy. This includes:

  • Helping to establish the EU taxonomy, which lists environmentally sustainable economic activities.
  • Contributing to the development of standards and labels, such as the EU green bond standard and the EU Ecolabel for financial products.
  • Strengthening the resilience of the financial system by quantifying transition and physical risks related to climate change. The JRC provides data on natural disasters through its risk data hub and develops models for climate stress-testing.

The JRC's research has been published in technical reports and academic journals and has informed policy making.

Read more about our work

EU Taxonomy

How the JRC supports the establishment of the EU Taxonomy, a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Sustainable Investment

How the JRC supports the EU Green Bond Standard, the star of sustainable capital markets.

Sustainability related risks

The ability of banks, asset managers and insurers to identify and manage risks and absorb financial losses potentially arising from them, is key for financial stability.

A hand holding a globe that symbolize a sustainable world

The Sustainable Finance Research Forum is an open platform to discuss approaches and experiences among policymakers, academics and the financial sector’s community.

Summer School on Sustainable Finance

The JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance takes place annually and brings together the community of academics, policymakers and professionals who work on topics related to Sustainable Finance.

Upcoming events

Contact us

JRC-FINANCEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu