Peer reviewed journal articles
Fatica, S., and R. Panzica, Sustainable investing in times of crisis: Evidence from bond holdings and the COVID-19 pandemic, Journal of Banking & Finance, Volume 166, 2024, 107238, ISSN 0378-4266.
Alessi, L., Di Girolamo, F., Petracco-Giudici, M. and Pagano, A. (2024). Accounting for climate transition risk in banks' capital requirements. Journal of Financial Stability, 73, 101269.
Fatica, S., Grammatikopoulou, I., Hirschbuehl D., La Notte A. and Pisani, D. (2024). European SMEs’ Exposure to Ecosystems and Natural Hazards: A First Exploration. Sustainability 16(11), 4841.
Alessi, L., Battiston, S., and Kvedaras, V. (2024). Over with carbon? Investors’ reaction to the Paris Agreement and the US withdrawal. Journal of Financial Stability, 71, 101232.
Bellucci, A., Fatica, S., Georgakaki, A., Gucciardi, G., Letout, S. & Pasimeni, F, (2023). Venture Capital Financing and Green Patenting, Industry and Innovation, 30:7, 947-983, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2023.2228717
Caporin, M., Fontini, F., & Panzica, R. (2023). The systemic risk of US oil and natural gas companies. Energy Economics, 121, 106650.
Reboredo, J. C., Ugolini, A., & Ojea-Ferreiro, J. (2022). Do green bonds de-risk investment in low-carbon stocks? Economic Modelling, 105765
Alessi, L., and Battiston, S. (2022). Two sides of the same coin: Green Taxonomy alignment versus transition risk in financial portfolios. International Review of Financial Analysis, 102319.
Alessi, L., Ossola, E., and Panzica, R. (2021). What greenium matters in the stock market? The role of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental disclosures. Journal of Financial Stability, 54.
Fatica, S., Panzica, R., and Rancan, M. (2021). The pricing of green bonds: are financial institutions special? Journal of Financial Stability, 54
Fatica, S., and Panzica, R. (2021). Green bonds as a tool against climate change? Business Strategy and the Environment, 30.5: 2688-2701
Ramelli, S., Ossola, E., and Rancan, M. (2021). Stock price effects of climate activism: Evidence from the first global climate strike. Journal of Corporate Finance, 69
Book chapters
Fatica, S., Katay, G. & Rancan, M., 2023. Addressing physical climate risk: the case of flood protection, in: Encyclopaedia of Monetary Policy, Financial Markets and Banking, Elsevier, in press.
Alessi, L.; Alemanni, B., Frati, G. (2022) Financial regulation for sustainable finance in the European landscape. In Guagliano, Linciano, and Soccorso (eds.): Information as a Driver of Sustainable Finance. Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance. Palgrave Macmillan.
Alessi, L. and Fatica, S. (2023) How is the EU financial system getting ready to take up the climate challenge? Some answers from science. In Falcone and Sica (eds.): Sustainable Finance and the Global Health Crisis. Routledge.
Alessi, L.; Guagliano, C., Linciano, N., and Soccorso, P. (2022) Sustainable growth in the European framework and the role of finance. In Guagliano, Linciano, and Soccorso (eds.): Information as a Driver of Sustainable Finance. Palgrave Studies in Impact Finance. Palgrave Macmillan.
Alessi, L. and Papadopoulos, G. (2023) The EU regulatory landscape on sustainable finance. In Falcone and Sica (eds.): Sustainable Finance and the Global Health Crisis. Routledge.
Working papers
Pagano A., Bellia M., Di Girolamo F. E., Papadopoulos G., Local Banks and flood risk: the case of Germany. JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No. 13/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC136411.
Bellia, M., Di Girolamo, F. E., Pagano A., Petracco Giudici, M., Flood protection gap: evidence for public finances and insurance premiums, JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No. 10/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC135372.
Becker, A., Di Girolamo, F. E., Rho, C., Loan pricing and biodiversity exposure: Nature-related spillovers to the financial sector, JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No. 11/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC135774.
Barbaglia, L., Fatica, S. and Rho, C. Flooded credit markets: physical climate risk and small business lending, JRC Working Paper in Economics and Finance, No. 14/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC136274.
Alessi, L. and Battiston, S., Taxonomy alignment and transition risk: a country-level approach, JRC Working Paper in Economics and Finance, No. 12/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC135889.
Papadopoulos, G., External assurance of carbon disclosures indicates possible underestimates in reported European corporate emissions data. JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No. 09/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC134799.
London, M. and Gigout, T., Trade Networks and Natural Disasters: Diversion, not Destruction JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No. 02/2023, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2023, JRC133099.
Fatica, S. & Katay, G. & Rancan, M., Floods and firms: vulnerabilities and resilience to natural disasters in Europe, JRC Working Papers in Economics and Finance, No 13/2022, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2022, JRC132125.
Bellucci, A., Fatica, S., Georgakaki, A., Gucciardi, G., Letout, S. and Pasimeni, F. ,Venture Capital Financing and Green Patenting., Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 11/2022, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2022, JRC127059.
Papadopoulos, G. Discrepancies in corporate GHG emissions data and their impact on firm performance assessment., Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 12/2022, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2022, JRC130254.
Alessi, L., Hirschbuehl, D., Rossi, A., A sustainability transition on the move? Evidence based on the disconnect from market fundamentals. , JRC Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 10/2022, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2022, JRC130010.
Ojea-Ferreiro, J., Reboredo, J., C., and Ugolini, A., The impact of climate transition risks on financial stability. A systemic risk approach., JRC Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 01/2022, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2022, JRC127352.
Alessi, L., Battiston, S., and Kvedaras, V., Over with carbon? investors’ reaction to the Paris Agreement and the US withdrawal., JRC Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 12/2021, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2021, JRC127845.
Alessi, L., Ossola, E., and Panzica, R., When do investors go green? Evidence from a time-varying asset-pricing model. JRC Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 13/2021, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2021, JRC127389.
Caporin, M. Fontini, F., and Panzica, R., The systemic risk of US oil and natural gas companies., Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 11/2021, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2021, JRC130159.
Fatica, S., and Panzica, R., Sustainable investing in times of crisis: evidence from bond holdings and the COVID-19 pandemic. JRC Working papers in Economics and Finance, No. 07/2021, European Commission, Ispra, Italy, 2021, JRC125769.
Technical reports
Alessi, L. (2020) Joint JRC-EBA workshop on Banking Regulation and Sustainability, European Commission-JRC Technical report, JRC119403.
Alessi, L., Battiston, S., Melo, A.S. and Roncoroni, A. (2019). The EU Sustainability Taxonomy: a Financial Impact Assessment, European Commission-JRC Technical report, JRC118663.
Canfora, P., Dri, M., Polidori, O., Solzbacher, C. and Arranz Padilla, M. (2021), Substantial contribution to climate change mitigation – a framework to define technical screening criteria for the EU taxonomy, EUR 30550 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, ISBN 978-92-76-28364-5, doi:10.2760/80248, JRC123355.
Canfora, P., Arranz Padilla, M., Polidori, O., Pickard Garcia, N., Ostojic, S. and Dri, M. (2022), Development of the EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy - A framework for defining substantial contribution for environmental objectives 3-6, EUR 30999 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, ISBN 978-92-76-47898-0, doi:10.2760/256390, JRC126045.
Other publications
Alessi L., Di Girolamo F. E., Pagano A., Petracco M., (2023). Banks’ exposures to high-carbon assets may represent a medium-term vulnerability for the financial system, VoxEU Column, Jan 22.
Fatica, S. Katay, G. & Rancan, M., (2023). Floods and firms in Europe: Destruction and reallocation, VoxEU Column, May 7.