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Call for the expression of interest in the EURL ECVAM Stakeholder Forum (ESTAF)


Why is EURL ECVAM setting up a stakeholder forum?

  • EURL ECVAM's relation with its stakeholders is reciprocal: EURL ECVAM-validated methods help stakeholders comply with regulatory requirements, provide them with mechanism-based and robust methods to improve their R&D and address the societal concerns regarding animal testing. Equally EURL ECVAM's output depends on the work and input of its stakeholders. Notably, valuable scientific, technical and societal expertise resides within the stakeholder community which is moreover the major source of test submissions for EURL ECVAM validation.
  • To strengthen participatory approaches supporting communication and cooperation with the stakeholder community, EURL ECVAM created the EURL ECVAM Stakeholder Forum (ESTAF), which brings together ECVAM's non-governmental stakeholders (e.g. industry associations, civil society / non-governmental organisations and research foundations & organisations).

More detailed information on ESTAF is available here.

Expression of interest in ESTAF

EURL ECVAM is publishing an Open Invitation addressed to stakeholder organisations that can, if fulfilling the criteria outlined below, submit an expression of interest in the EURL ECVAM Stakeholder Forum (ESTAF).

Which organisations can submit an expression of interest?

All Stakeholder Organisations able to demonstrate that they:

  1. have a passive or active stake in the area of alternative methods to animal testing,
  2. i.e. are affected by or do affect the development (including relevant basic research) / optimisation / validation / use of alternative methods with respect to scientific, technical, societal, ethical or other issues.
  3. operate on European (EU) level (exceptions may apply).

Submitting an expression of interest

To be admissible, Expressions of Interest must be submitted following the procedure outlined and be based on the downloadable ESTAF Expression of Interest Form.


Expressions of Interest can be submitted continuously and will be regularly evaluated by EURL ECVAM.

ESTAF Application

Procedure for submitting an Expression of Interest:

(1) Read the

  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022
Open invitation for the expression of interest in ESTAF

(2) Complete the

  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022
ESTAF Expression of Interest form

and follow the instructions

(3) Please, read the

  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022
Privacy Statement

General background information