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JRC Statistical Audit on the Gender Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI) 2014


DOI: 10.2788/871493, ISBN: 978-92-79-45061-7, ISSN: 1831-9424, JRC nr: JRC92076
Publication date
26 June 2015


The Gender-Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (Gender-GEDI) was launched in 2014 by the GEDI Institute. The Gender-GEDI is meant to serve as a monitoring tool of high potential female entrepreneurship in 30 developed and developing countries. The Gender-GEDI uses the most recent data on 30 quantitative indicators grouped into 15 pillars and 3 categories: Entrepreneurial Environment, Entrepreneurial Eco-System and Entrepreneurial Aspirations. The JRC analysis that is discussed herein was conducted upon invitation of the GEDI Institute. The report delves into the statistical properties of the Gender-GEDI and complements country rankings with confidence intervals, in order to better appreciate the robustness of these ranks to the computation methodology. In addition, this report includes an assessment of potential redundancy of information in the Gender-GEDI framework and a suggestion on how to monitor changes in countries conditions vis-à-vis high potential female entrepreneurship development both in a quantitative and qualitative manner.


Michaela Saisana, Pawel Stano