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EU Science Hub

Questions and comments about PVGIS can be sent to our PVGIS team:

JRC-PVGISatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (JRC-PVGIS[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


Our address is:

European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit
via E. Fermi 2749, TP 450
I-21027 Ispra (VA)



Neither our research work nor the PVGIS online tool would have been possible without data, algorithms and all-round help from a number of groups. In particular we would like to thank the following teams:

  • European Solar Test Installation. Our colleagues here at the JRC have provided us with measured data for PV modules that have been used for the PV performance models. Their expertise has been invaluable to improve the PVGIS calculation methods.
  • The CM SAF collaboration and in particular Richard Müller, Jörg Trentmann and Uwe Pfeifroth of Deutscher Wetterdienst. PVGIS would not have been possible without the data they provide. We have also benefited greatly from access to the satellite retrieval calculation toolchain which made it possible for us to calculate spectrally resolved irradiance and irradiance for Asia.
  • The National Renewable Energy Laboratory and in particular Dr. Manajit Sengupta and Mr. Aron Habte for making the solar radiation data from NSRDB available to us. This has made it possible to extend PVGIS coverage to most of the Americas, and will be of great help in our research work.

We have received much support and encouragement from the people who manage the Energy Efficiency and Renewables Unit and the different projects that have housed PVGIS over the years.