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- Maya-Jariego, I; Holgado, D; González-Tinoco, E; Castaño-Muñoz, J; & Punie, Y. (2019). Typology of motivation and learning intentions of users in MOOCs: the MOOCknowledge study. Educational Technology Research and Development (online first). DOI:
- Henderikx, M; Kreijns, K; Castaño Muñoz, J; & Kalz, M. (2019). Factors influencing the pursuit of personal learning goals in MOOCs.Distance Education 40 (2), 187-204. DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2019.1600364
- Castaño-Muñoz, J; Kalz, M; Kreijns, K; & Punie, Y. (2018) Who is taking MOOCs for teachers’ professional development on the use of ICT? A cross sectional study from Spain. Technology, Pedagogy and Education. doi: 10.1080/1475939X.2018.1528997
- Castaño-Muñoz, J., Colucci, E., & Smidt, H. (2018). Free Digital Learning for Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Europe: A Qualitative Analysis of Three Types of Learning Purposes. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distributed Learning, 19(2). doi:
- Castaño Muñoz, J., Kreijns, K., Kalz, M., & Punie, Y. (2017). Does digital competence and occupational setting influence MOOC participation? Evidence from a cross-course survey. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(1), 28-46. doi: 10.1007/s12528-016-9123-z
- Colucci, E., Smidt, H., Devaux, A., Vrasidas, C., Safarjalani, M., & Castaño Muñoz, J. (2017). Free digital learning opportunities for migrants and refugees. An Analysis of current initiatives and recommendations for their further use. JRC Science for Policy Report. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi: 10.2760/684414
- Castaño-Muñoz, J., Punie, Y., & Inamorato, A. (2016). MOOCs in Europe: Evidence from pilot surveys with universities and MOOC learners,. JRC policy brief. JRC101956.
- Castaño-Muñoz, J; Punie, Y; Inamorato dos Santos, A; Mitic, M; & Morais, R. (2016). How are Higher Eudcation Institutions Dealing with Openness? A Survey of Practices, Beliefs, and Strategies in Five European Countries. JRC Science for Policy Report. Luxemburg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi: 10.2791/709253.
- Kalz, M., Kreijns, K., Walhout, J., Castaño-Munoz, J., Espasa, A., & Tovar, E. (2015). Setting-up a European cross-provider data collection on open online courses. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL)., 16(6), 62–77.