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EU Science Hub


The JRC maintains a wide range of laboratories and research infrastructures across five EU countries and six sites. Several offer open access: see if any research infrastructures are currently open.

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Laboratories (9)

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A JRC scientist is fitting of lithium ion battery cells in a dedicated holder for performance testing.
  • research body

The Battery Testing Laboratory features state-of-the-art equipped facilities for analysing performance of battery materials and cells.

Assembly of a solid oxide fuel cell stack in the Fuel Cell Testing Facility
  • research body

The Electrolyser Testing Facility performs testing of electrolysers and fuel cells and stacks for performance and durability asessment, harmonisation and standardisation of test methods and protocols.

Technician preparing for an experiment.
  • research body

The JRC's High Pressure Gas Testing Facility carries out research and testing on high pressure hydrogen pipelines and components.

Liquid Lead Laboratory (LILLA)
  • research body

LILLA allows performing mechanical tests in liquid lead with controlled dissolved oxygen concentrations up to 650°C.

  • research body
  • MCL

The Micro-Characterization Laboratory contributes to the development of materials performance assessment methodologies based on micrometer-sized specimens.

Uniaxial Creep test laboratory.
  • research body
  • SMPA

The Structural Materials Performance Assessment laboratories of the JRC Petten provides mechanical performance characterisation, life assessment and qualification of structural materials for present and next generation nuclear systems.