Research and innovation for EU Border Security - European Commission
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Research and innovation for EU Border Security

JRC contributes to the security of the EU Schengen borders through research on topics relevant to border management in collaboration with the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex).

What is Research and innovation for EU Border Security?

Why research and innovation for EU Border Security?

The level of threats to the European External Borders is more and more increasing. This is in great part due to large-scale events like e.g. the migrant crisis and the Ukranian crisis. In order to cope with the threats linked to these crises, the agency responsible for the management of the external EU borders (Frontex), has seen its budget increase significantly. The collaboration of the JRC with Frontex is focussed on research and innovation that improves the effectiveness of the border management and border security capabilities with respect to the available resources.

How is the collaboration organised?

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) has been given an increased role including responsibilities over research activities in the framework of border management and border security. The JRC is a crucial partner in these tasks, where the collaboration mainly concentrates on, but not limited to:

  • organisation of joint workshops and participation to international congresses

  • technology watch in the field of Border Security

  • definition of Operational Scenarios to support the development of Technical Standards for border control equipment

  • definition of a Taxonomy for Border Control Equipment

  • contribution to Frontex’s Strategic Risk Analysis Report