- Contributes to European Commission priorites
A strong industrial base is a prerequisite for the independence, autonomy and prosperity of the EU. However, EU industry needs to undergo major transformations to meet the imperatives of climate neutrality, pollution reduction and circularity while remaining globally competitive, human-centred, inclusive and resilient in the face of unpredictable shocks and shifting geopolitics.
Our goals:
- Develop a deep understanding of the links between research and innovation, industrial and environmental-climate policies and strategic priorities, including EU resilience and security.
- Analyse the impacts of the green and technological-sovereignty policy targets combined with rising energy prices on EU industrial stakeholders, from a global perspective that merges open strategic autonomy, critical technology, critical raw materials, sustainability and economic efficiency considerations.
- Strengthen the sustainability and competitiveness of the EU industrial base helping to bring about the twin green/digital transition and to achieve Open Strategic Autonomy through technological sovereignty – notably in energy, space, security and defence.

- Agriculture and Rural Development
- Climate Action
- Communications Networks, Content and Technology
- Competition
- Defence Industry and Space
- Energy
- Environment
- European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations
- Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
- International Partnerships
- Mobility and TransportTaxation and Customs Union
- Trade