The Science meets Regions programme is an initiative aiming to “advance evidence for policy at local and regional level”, endorsed by the European Parliament and implemented by the Commission’s Joint Research Centre in close consultation with the Committee of the Regions.
After the first call for expression of interest closed in September 2021, 14 regional and local administrations as well as 2 multiregional networks across Europe were selected to participate in the programme. They will each deal with a policy topic that specifically concerns them, particularly in the fields of the twin green and digital transitions and post-COVID recovery. The first participatory events are expected in spring 2022.
A second call for expression of interest will be launched in shortly.
The selected participants will receive financial, methodological and scientific support. The financial support for the organisation of the event(s) can include preparation, logistics, communication and facilitation.
JRC has extensive experience with co-creative processes, including for citizens’ engagement and participatory and deliberative democracy, and our experts will have regular coaching meetings with participants on setting up and implementing the process, including the preparation of the events, and the protocols for citizens’ engagement.
JRC is committed to providing scientific advice and support where the topics of the events are aligned with JRC expertise or through financing of small-scale studies by relevant scientific institutions.
“Science meets Regions” goes back to 2016, when it was created as a complementary initiative to the annual “Science meets Parliaments” event in the European Parliament. The initiative aims to boost evidence-informed policymaking at local and regional levels by bringing together policymakers and scientists, as well as businesses and citizens, to discuss locally relevant policy problems.
A pilot project generalised this approach throughout Europe in 2018-2019. The new edition, launched in June 2021, aims to:
- Adopt a clearer and strategic focus on topics of relevance to regions and cities, which are in line with the Commission policy priorities;
- Fill the gap in the EU instruments addressing evidence-informed policymaking, which target mainly the national authorities and do not foresee any networking initiative to share practices, methods and instruments for EIPM at local and regional levels.
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- Publication date
- 10 December 2021