This media surveillance collects articles reported through publicly available web sites.
It is created with the Europe Media Monitor (EMM).
The selection and placement of stories are determined automatically by a computer program.
- USA: more than 1 million cases with at least 58,356 deaths; 68 residents have died at a Massachusetts home for ageing veterans.
- Spain: Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced coronavirus deescalation measures with a transition period of 6 to 8 weeks
- Italy tops 200,000 coronavirus cases, daily death toll rises to 382
- France outlined the schedule for the end of the lockdown from 11 May
- Germany: face masks mandatory in all shops and on public transport
- UK: 3,096 deaths in nursing homes
- Belgium: 647 new cases and 134 deaths reported
- Luxembourg: 12 new cases and 1 death reported
- Austria loosens lockdown further allowing events of up to 10 people
- Serbia restarts public transport as strict lockdown eases
- Russia reported 5,841 new cases on Wednesday bringing its overall nationwide case tally close to 100,000.
- India’s coronavirus death toll crossed the 1000-mark with 31,360 confirmed cases in total
- Brazil recorded more than 68,000 cases and approximately 5,000 deaths.
- Singapore’s health ministry confirmed 690 more cases, most of which among migrant workers living in dormitories
- South Korea plans to improve measures to better protect unregistered migrants and homeless people
- Japan: governors seek nationwide extension of state of emergency; daily cases in Tokyo rise again after pace slowed; contact-tracing app will be released in May
- China reports 22 new cases vs 6 a day earlier, 21 of which were imported
- Science: Airborne coronavirus detected in Wuhan hospitals; Tocilizumab/Actemra reduced deaths and need for ventilator support in the CORIMUNO-TOCI trial.
The following news were found among the most mentioned/retweeted items:
- "'So what? I'm sorry, you want me to do what?', says Bolsonaro about record deaths by coronavirus" (folha)
- "Trump says he 'closely' follows the 'serious outbreak' of new coronavirus in Brazil and suggests suspending flights" (globo)
- "Ground Zero: A fifth to half of all coronavirus deaths have been in nursing homes" (justthenews)
- "The Government banned the sale of PPE to nursing homes, according to our suppliers" (lavanguardia)
- "Ohio’s G.O.P. Governor Splits From Trump, and Rises in Popularity" (nytimes)
- "How Do You Reopen a State That Never Closed?" (medium)
The most mentioned English sources were the New York Times, the New York Post, Youtube, the Guardian, CNN and the Washington Post.
Infobae, Clarin, La Vanguardia, El Mundo, El Diario and RT (Spanish version) and Le Monde and Le Parisien were among the most mentioned Spanish and French sources, respectively.
Extracted quotes
Édouard Philippe (France, Prime Minister):
"The lockdown being lifted on May 11 depends on new cases dropping below 3,000 a day … If the indicators are bad, the lockdown will not be lifted on May 11".
Fact check
Fact checked: prevention and treatment
- Indian fact checkers debunk a yoga guru’s claims that mustard oil helps to fight COVID-19 (thequint).
- Fact checkers debunk claims that consuming foods high in alkaline changes the body’s pH level and helps to fight COVID-19 (afp).
- Fact checkers debunk claims that US President Donald Trump announced that American scientists have found a COVID-19 vaccine (afp).
Fact checked: anti-China narratives
- Indian fact checkers debunk claims that China is shipping clothes of COVID-19 patients to Africa (indiatoday).
Fact checked: anti-vax narratives
- Fact checkers from all over the world debunk claims that Dr Elisa Granato, one of the UK's first COVID-19 vaccine trial participants, has died shortly after being injected with the vaccine (afp, asianetnews).
Fact checked: conspiracy theories
- Fact checkers from all over the world debunk claims that Nobel Prize-winning scientist Tasuku Honjo said the coronavirus is not natural and originated in a Wuhan lab (afp, altnews, boomlive, faktograf, lemonde). Google Trends data show that searches for Nobel Prize-winning scientist Tasuku Honjo and “coronavirus” have spiked over the last week. This could indicate that the debunked story claiming that the Japanese immunologist said the coronavirus originated in a Wuhan lab has been driving searches.

Among EU Member States, Spain seems to be the country with the highest number of searches on the topic on 28 April. Spanish fact checkers have already debunked the story (newtral).

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- Publication date
- 29 April 2020