This media surveillance collects articles reported through publicly available web sites.
It is created with the Europe Media Monitor (EMM).
The selection and placement of stories are determined automatically by a computer program.
- USA: The FDA revoked the emergency use authorization for chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
- Brazil reported 891.556 cases and 44.118 deaths
- UK: Coronavirus vaccine trial by Imperial College London begins; free school meals for the poorest families over the summer
- Spain: first German tourists landed on Mallorca as part of a tourist pilot program; Spain considers quarantine for UK visitors unless Britain drops 14-day policy
- Italy: single-day fatalities lowest since early March with 26 new deaths
- France: death to ll stays under 30 while the cases are slightly up
- Belgium reported 55 new cases and 4 deaths
- Luxembourg recorded 2 new confirmed cases
- Russia's cases near 550,000
- India: Abandoning lockdown, India's coronavirus cases may reach 800,000 in a month according to studies
- Iran reported 2,563 new cases on Tuesday taking the total number to 192,439
- Pakistan reports highest number of 111 daily deaths and 4443 new cases
- New Zealand confirms two new cases both related to recent travel from the UK
- South Korea: clusters in Seoul still active with 34 new cases including 21 local infections
- Japan: Tokyo reports 27 new daily cases
- China: outbreak linked to Beijing wholesale food market could impact China’s meat imports; the new outbreak in Beijing grew to 106 cases Tuesday with 29 communities back on lockdown.
The following news were found among the most mentioned/retweeted items:
- "Trump on coronavirus: 'If we stop testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any'" (thehill)
- "FDA ends emergency use of hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus" (politico)
- "Biden says Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic was ‘almost criminal’" (washingtonpost)
- "Republican congressman who just announced he has the coronavirus refused to wear a face mask on the House floor 2 weeks ago" (businessinsider)
The hashtag #turkishstudentlivesmatter trended as Turkish students complained that university entry exams scheduled for 27-28 June are not postponed.
The most mentioned English sources were the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, CNN and the Guardian.
RT (Spanish version), El Diario, El Pais and Clarin, and Le Monde and Le Parisien were among the most mentioned Spanish and French sources, respectively.
Extracted Quotes
Xu Hejian (China, Beijing City spokesman):
"The epidemic situation in the capital is extremely severe"; "Right now we have to take strict measures to stop the spread of Covid-19".
Fact Check
Fact checked: health-related claims
- Fact checkers debunk claims that the novel coronavirus does not affect people with ‘O+’ blood type, reporting that the claims are not based on sound scientific evidence (vishvasnews).
- Fact checkers debunk claims that Dr Fauci said that people no longer need to wear masks, reporting that the video making the rounds is old and since then Fauci’s views and that of most organisations have changed, as more information became available about the disease (snopes).
Fact checked: conspiracy theories
- Fact checkers debunk a viral video in which Shiva Ayyadurai, who falsely claims he invented email, exposes Dr Anthony Fauci and the White House coronavirus task force as members of the so-called "Deep State" (faktograf).
- Fact checkers debunk claims that COVID-19 is pulmonary thrombosis - not pneumonia - and is caused by a bacterium - not a virus - “amplified” by 5G technology (verafiles).
- Colombian fact checkers debunk a video in which lawyer and Christian pastor Samuel Ángel claims that China purposefully spread the coronavirus around the world through secret agents (colombiacheck).
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- Publication date
- 16 June 2020