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Facts4EUFuture - a series of reports for the future of Europe

The EU faces a series challenges resulting from four global transformative trends:

  • technological development;
  • new work and societal organisation;
  • environmental sustainability and
  • shifts in the geopolitical balance.

These transformations are complex and rapid.

To produce credible responses, our policy makers will need more sophisticated analysis. This may allow them to anticipate change and be prepared for it.

We at the JRC are determined to provide this with this series of reports.

They provide an in-depth analysis of some of the key challenges. The reports view them through many different angles to better grasp their full complexity.

The Facts4EUFuture reports

Artificial Intelligence: A European perspective

We are only at the beginning of a rapid period of transformation of our economy and society due to the convergence of many digital technologies. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is central to this change.

Beyond averages - fairness in an economy that works for people

How people feel about fairness matters. It might influence their decisions and their happiness. The fairness report addresses some of the most pertinent fairness dimensions in relation to a fair, inclusive and social European Union.

Blockchain now and tomorrow: assessing multidimensional impacts of distributed ledger technologies

Bringing together research from six JRC units, our report "Blockchain Now and Tomorrow" provides multidimensional insights into the state of blockchain technology.

China – Challenges and Prospects of an Industrial and Innovation Powerhouse

The report analyses China's approach to attain a dominant position in international markets through a combination of industrial, research and innovation (R&I), trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) policies.

Cybersecurity - our digital anchor - a European perspective

The report “Cybersecurity, our digital anchor” looks at a new “life-style of resilience" to the cyber threats. We all need to do our part for cybersecurity.

Demographic Scenarios for the EU - Migration, Population and Education

To make decisions about the future, it is important to understand how many people there will be in the future, and where they will live and work. The report helps us to know what to do, because it shows the consequences of changing different factors.

The Future of Road Transport - Implications of automated, connected, low-carbon and shared mobility

Current trends suggest that future road transport will be significantly different.

The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age

The report offers an evidence based analysis of the impact of technology on labour markets and skills.

The future of cities - opportunities, challenges and the way forward

Our report highlights the main challenges faced by cities and the people living within them currently and towards the future.

Understanding our political nature: how to put knowledge and reason at the heart of policymaking

Advances in behavioural, decision and social sciences show that humans are not purely rational beings. As a result, this report brings new insights to political behaviour.

Values & Identities - a policymaker's guide

The recent years have also seen high levels of polarisation, the rapid spread of dis- and misinformation, a decrease in willingness to compromise, and sometimes outright attacks on democracy. Our report addresses these issues.