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EU Science Hub

Regional impact assessment and contributions to an Action Plan

There is an emerging need to identify vulnerable regions and efficient policies for the redevelopment and modernisation of the European building stock.

Our process

  • We locate areas where renovations can achieve the highest impact. Ranking of regions is based on seismic risk, energy efficiency and socioeconomic aspects.
  • We review implementing measures at the EU and national level to identify effective implementation avenues and economic barriers to renovation efforts.
  • We integrate the collective insight of our project into proposals in support of an Action Plan.

Your benefit

We look at the regional level—all our recommendations integrate the technical and socioeconomic aspects of an area. This empowers multiple levels of government and industry to protect and invest as well as directly supports the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction’s call for risk-proofed investments.

The output of our work incentivises investments that ensure energy and resource efficiency, resilience to earthquakes and climate change, socioeconomic aspects and hence sustainability of the building stock.

The proposals in support of the EU Action Plan contribute to the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by improving knowledge on seismic risk and support EU Member States’ risk assessment, mapping and management activity.

Research activities

  • Identify priority regions for renovation based on risk and socio-economic indicators
  • Review implementing measures
  • Identify and compare scenarios for intervention

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  • 2 FEBRUARY 2022