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EU Science Hub

JRC-GEM-E3 - Publications

Collective works

European Commission (2024). "Impact Assessment: Securing our future Europe's 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050 building a sustainable, just and prosperous society" Commission Staff Working Document (SWD(2024)63)

European Commission (2021). "The Second Clean Air Outlook" (COM(2021)3)

European Commission (2020). "Impact Assessment: Stepping up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition" Commission Staff Working Document (SWD(2020)176)

European Commission (2018). "In-depth analysis accompanying the Communication: A Clean Planet for all - A European strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate neutral economy"

European Commission (2018) "The First Clean Air Outlook"

European Commission (2016) "Effort Sharing Proposal" Impact Assessment (SWD(2016)247)

European Commission (2015). "The Paris Protocol - a blueprint for tackling global climate change beyond 2020" Commission Staff Working Document (SWD(2015) 17)

European Commission (2014). "Communication on 2030 framework for climate and energy policies" Commission Staff Working Document. Impact Assessment (SWD(2014) 15)

European Commission (2013). "The Clean Air Policy Package" Commission Staff Working Document. Impact Assessment (SWD(2013)531)

European Commission (2013). "EU Strategy on adaptation to climate change" Commission Staff Working Document. Impact Assessment (SWD(2013) 132 final)

European Commission (2012). "Tax Reforms in EU Member States 2012" European Economy 6, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs, 118pp

European Commission (2012). "Review of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases" Commission Staff Working Document. Impact Assessment (COM(2012) 643 final, SWD(2012) 364)

European Commission (2011). "Tax Reforms in EU Member States 2011" European Economy. 5, Directorate General Economic and Financial Affairs, October 2011, 139p

European Commission (2011). "A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050" Commission Staff Working Document. Impact Assessment (COM(2011) 112 final, SEC(2011) 289 final)

European Commission (2010). "Analysis of options to move beyond 20% greenhouse gas emission reductions and assessing the risk of carbon leakage" Commission Staff Working Document (COM(2010) 256 final, SEC(2010) 650/2)

European Commission (2009). "Towards a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen" Staff Working Document Part 1 , Part 2 (COM(2009) 39 final, SEC(2009) 101)

European Commission (2008). "Package of Implementation measures for the EU's objectives on climate change and renewable energy for 2020" Impact Assessment (SEC(2008) 85/3) / Annex to Impact Assessment (SEC(2008) 85)

European Commission (2005). "The Communication on Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution" and "The Directive on “Ambient Air Quality and Cleaner Air for Europe" Commission Staff Working Document (SEC(2005) 1133) / Annex to COM(2005) 446/447

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Weitzel et al. (2024). The effects of higher gas prices on the EU economy: a computable general equilibrium modelling perspective. Environmental Research: Energy 1 (3), 035006

Garaffa et al. (2023). Stocktake of G20 countries’ climate pledges reveals limited macroeconomic costs and employment shifts. One Earth 6 (11), 1591-1604

Springmann et al. (2023). The global and regional air quality impacts of dietary change. Nature Communications 14 (1), 6227

Vandyck et al. (2023). EU climate action through an energy poverty lens. Scientific reports 13 (1), 6040

Weitzel et al. (2023). A comprehensive socio-economic assessment of EU climate policy pathways. Ecological Economics 204, 107660

Tamba et al. (2022). Economy-wide impacts of road transport electrification in the EU. Technological forecasting and social change 182, 121803

Norman-López et al. (2022). Building a baseline to better integrate air passenger and air freight transport into a global Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. Economic Systems Research, 1-24

Vandyck et al. (2021). Climate policy design, competitiveness and income distribution: A macro-micro assessment for 11 EU countries. Energy Economics 103, 105538

Weitzel et al. (2019). Model-based assessments for long-term climate strategies. Nature Climate Change 9.5 (2019): 345-347.

Weitzel et al. (2019). Including bottom-up emission abatement technologies in a large-scale global economic model for policy assessments. Energy Economics 83 (2019): 254-263.

Vandyck et al. (2018). Air quality co-benefits for human health and agriculture counterbalance costs to meet Paris Agreement pledges. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-11.

Vrontisi, Z. et al. (2018). Enhancing global climate policy ambition towards a 1.5C stabilization: a short-term multi-model assessment. Environ. Res. Lett. 13 044039

Saveyn B., Paroussos L., Szewczyk W., Vandyck T., Ciscar J.C., Karkatsoulis P., Fragkiadakis K., Fragkos P., Vrontisi V., Capros P.and Van Regemorter D. (2016). Economic Assessment of Climate, Energy and Air Quality Policies in the EU with the GEM-E3 Model: An Overview. In Dinar A. (Ed.), WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change: Computable General Equilibrium Models (Vol. 3). pp 207-246. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company.

Vandyck, T., Keramidas, K., Saveyn, B. and Kitous, A. (2016). A global stocktake of the Paris pledges: Implications for energy systems and economy. Global Environmental Change, Vol. 41, 46-63.

Vrontisi Zoi, Jan Abrell, Frederik Neuwahl, Bert Saveyn, and Fabian Wagner (2016). Economic impacts of EU clean air policies assessed in a CGE framework. Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 55, Part 1, January 2016, Pages 54–64

Vandyck, T., & Van Regemorter, D. (2014). Distributional and regional economic impact of energy taxes in Belgium. Energy Policy, 72, 190-203.

Barrios, S., Pycroft, J., and Saveyn, B. (2013). The marginal cost of public funds in the EU: the case of labour versus green taxes. Taxation Papers 35, Directorate General Taxation and Customs Union, European Commission.

Ciscar, JC, Saveyn, B., Soria, A., Szabo, L., Van Regemorter, D., Van Ierland, T. (2013). A Comparability Analysis of Global Burden Sharing GHG Reduction Scenarios. Energy Policy 55, 73-81.

Saveyn, B., Paroussos, L., and Ciscar, JC. (2012). Economic analysis of a low carbon path to 2050: A case for China, India and Japan. Energy Economics 34 (3), S451-S458

Maisonnave H, Pycroft J, Saveyn B, Ciscar Martinez J. (2012). Does climate policy make the EU economy more resilient to oil price rises A CGE analysis. Energy Policy 47, 172-179.

Ciscar JC., Saveyn B., and Van Regemorter, D. (2012). Economic Modelling of Climate Impacts: a Partial Review. Review of Business and Economic Literature 57 (2), 144-156.

Klaassen G., Nill J., van Ierland T., Saveyn B., and Vergote S. (2012). Costs and Benefits of Reducing the EU's Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30% in 2020. Review of Business and Economic Literature 57 (2), 157-178.

Ciscar JC, Szabó L, Van Regemorter D, Soria A (2012). The integration of PESETA sectoral economic impacts into the GEM-E3 Europe model: methodology and results. Climate Change DOI: 10.1007/s10584-011-0343-y

Ciscar JC, Iglesias A, Feyen L, Szabó L, Van Regemorter D, Amelung B, Nicholls R, Watkiss P, Christensen OB, Dankers R, Garrote L, Goodess CM, Hunt A, Moreno A, Richards J, and Soria A (2011). Physical and economic consequences of climate change in Europe. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108:2678-2683 doi:10.1073/pnas.1011612108

Saveyn, B., Van Regemorter, D., and Ciscar, JC. (2011). Economic analysis of the climate pledges of the Copenhagen Accord for the EU and other major countries. Energy Economics 33, S33-S40

Németh, G., Szabó, L., and Ciscar, J.-C. (2011). Estimation of Armington elasticities in a CGE economy–energy–environment model for Europe. Economic Modelling 28(4), 1993-1999

Russ, P., Ciscar, J-C, Saveyn, B., Szabo, L., Van Ierland, T., Van Regemorter, D. (2009). Techno-economic modelling of global climate policies. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 232017

Russ, P., Ciscar, J-C, Saveyn, B., Soria, A., Szabo, L., Van Ierland, T., Klaassen, G., Virdis, R. (2009). Towards a comprehensive climate change agreement in Copenhagen. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6, 582024

Reports and Working Papers

Amann, M., Holland, M., Maas, R., Vandyck, T. and B. Saveyn (2017). Costs, benefits and economic impacts of the EU Clean Air Strategy and their implications on innovation and competitiveness. IIASA report. (

Alban Kitous, Kimon Keramidas, Toon Vandyck, Bert Saveyn, Rita Van Dingenen, Joe Spadaro and Mike Holland, 2017. "Global Energy and Climate Outlook 2017: How climate policies improve air quality", JRC Science for Policy Report, Joint Research Centre

Kitous, A., Keramidas, K., Vandyck, T., and Saveyn, B (2016). "Global Energy and Climate Outlook: Road from Paris" JRC Science for Policy Report, DG Joint Research Centre

Kitous A., Saveyn B., Keramidas K., Vandyck T., Rey Los Santos L., Wojtowicz K. (2016). Impact of low oil prices on oil exporting countries. JRC-IPTS Working Papers, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre.

Vrontisi, Z., Kitous, A., Saveyn, B., and Vandyck, T. (2015), Impact of low oil prices on the EU Economy, JRC-IPTS Working Papers, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre.

Labat, A., Kitous, A., Perry, M., Saveyn, B., Vandyck, T., and Vrontisi, Z. (2015). "GECO2015 Global Energy and Climate Outlook: Road to Paris. Assessment of Low Emission Levels under World Action Integrating National Contributions," JRC-IPTS Working Papers JRC95892, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre.

Vrontisi Zoi, Jan Abrell, Frederik Neuwahl, Bert Saveyn, and Fabian Wagner (2014). Impact Assessment of European Clean Air policies in a CGE framework. JRC-IPTS Working Papers JRC92553, Institute for Prospective and Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre.

Ciscar JC, Feyen L, Soria A, Lavalle C, Raes F, Perry M, Nemry F, Demirel H, Rozsai M, Dosio A, Donatelli M, Srivastava A, Fumagalli D, Niemeyer S, Shrestha S, Ciaian P, Himics M, Van Doorslaer B, Barrios S, Ibáñez N, Forzieri G, Rojas R, Bianchi A, Dowling P, Camia A, Libertà G, San Miguel J, de Rigo D, Caudullo G, Barredo J-I, Paci D, Pycroft J, Saveyn B, Van Regemorter D, Revesz T, Vandyck T, Vrontisi Z, Baranzelli C, Vandecasteele I, Batista e Silva F, Ibarreta D (2014). Climate Impacts in Europe. The JRC PESETA II project. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. EUR 26586 EN

Capros, P., D. Van Regemorter, L. Paroussos, P. Karkatsoulis, T. Revesz, C. Fragkiadakis, S. Tsani, I. Charalampidis, authors; M. Perry, J. Abrell, J. C. Ciscar, J. Pycroft, B. Saveyn, editors (2013). GEM-E3 Model Documentation. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. EUR 26034 EN.

Kitous, A., Saveyn, B., Gervais, S., Wiesenthal, T., Soria, A. (2013). Analysis of Iran Oil Embargo. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. EUR 25691 EN.

Maisonnave H, Pycroft J, Saveyn B, Ciscar Martinez J. (2012). Does climate policy make the EU economy more resilient to oil price rises A CGE analysis. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. EUR 25224 EN.

Ciscar Martinez J, Saveyn B, Soria Ramirez A, Szabo L, Van Regemorter D, Van Ierland T. A (2012). Comparability Analysis of Global Burden Sharing GHG Reduction Scenarios. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports: EUR 25222 EN.

Russ, P., Ciscar, J-C, Saveyn, B., Soria, A., Szabo, L. (2009). Economic Assessment of Post-2012 Global Climate Policies - Analysis of Gas Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Scenarios with the POLES and GEM-E3 models. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. EUR 23768 EN

Saveyn, B. and Van Regemorter, D. (2007). Environmental Policy in a Federal State – A Regional CGE analysis of the NEC Directive in Belgium., ETE Working Paper 2007-01

Russ, P., Wiesenthal, T., Van Regemorter, D., and Ciscar, J. C. (2007). Global Climate Policy Scenarios for 2030 and beyond: Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Pathway Scenarios with the POLES and GEM-E3 Models. JRC Reference Report. EUR 23032

Kouvaritakis, N., and Paroussos, L. (2006), DYN-GEM-E3 – The Dynamics of Innovation and Investment and its impact on Policy Design in Energy and Environment for a Sustainable Growth in Europe. Report for the European Commission-DG RTD

Kouvaritakis, N., Stroblos, N., Paroussos, L., Revesz, T., Zalai, E. and van Regemorter, D. (2005). Impacts of energy taxation in the enlarged European Union, evaluation with GEM-E3 Europe. Study for the European Commission DG TAXUD, final report, July 2005.

Russ, P., Ciscar, J.-C., Szabo, L. (2005). Analysis of Post-2012 Climate Policy Scenarios with Limited Participation. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. EUR 21758 EN