The European Exposure Factors (ExpoFacts) Sourcebook is a collection of statistics and references. It is primarily aimed at being a tool for environmental exposure analysis and risk assessment but it can also serve as a data source for administration, NGO's and anyone interested in European statistics.
The ExpoFacts Sourcebook has three parts: a database, a reference guide, and a document library. All of these are free to use, and available through this site.
The ExpoFacts Sourcebook contains data from 31 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
The actions and the media that bring us in contact with environmental agents are called exposure factors. Important exposure factors are e.g. housing conditions, consumption of food and beverages, and time use in different microenvironments. The European exposure factor data have traditionally been scattered around national and international institutes, in scientific articles and reports. This data has now been compiled to the extent possible into this ExpoFacts database, so that it would be easily accessible for all of those who need it.
The ExpoFacts database contains a large selection of population data to make the database a better tool for exposure and risk analysis. The age pyramids, socio-economic distributions etc. enable the exposure analyst to extrapolate the results of e.g. concentration or exposure surveys to wider populations.
The database interface has been tested and found to be functional with the following browser versions: most recent versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox. There can be some minor differences in layout between browser types.
The ExpoFacts project was funded in 2002-2006 by CEFIC - LRI contract No NMALRI-C1.5KTL-0207 and LRI-C1.5.1-KTLE-0512. Since January 15th 2007, it is hosted by the PCE Unit at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra.