Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event type Training and workshopsConferences and summitsExhibitionsInfo daysToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Subject sustainable financeapplied sciencesconsumer protectionadaptation to climate changeanimal welfareaviation securitybankingbiotechnologyclean technologyclimate changeclimate change policycompetitivenessdecommissioning of power stationsdigital finance strategydigital transformationdisaster risk reductiondroneeconomic analysisEconomic and Monetary Unioneconomic and social cohesioneconomic forecastingeconomic governance (EU)economic policyenergy researchenergy transitionenvironmental policyextreme weatherfinancial stabilityfloodfood fraudhealth technologyinnovationmacroeconomicsmedical researchnatural disasternuclear energynuclear researchpopularising sciencepopulation dynamicspublic healthradiation protectionredistribution of incomeregional developmentrenewable energyrural developmentsocial analysissolar energyStructural Fundssustainable developmenttax systemtransport policytransport researchwaste managementToggle dropdown Online type LivestreamToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Events (15) RSS Showing results 1 to 10 Status Upcoming and ongoing 11Mar2025Training and workshopsUnderstanding the territorial patterns of climate discontentBrussels, Belgium13-14Mar2025Training and workshops7th JRC Fiscal Policy Modelling WorkshopSeville, SpainLive streaming available02-03Apr2025Conferences and summits4th Copernicus Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring meetingOnline only13-15May2025Conferences and summitsEuropean Conference on Connected and Automated Driving 202519-23May2025Training and workshopsJRC Summer School on Non-Animal Approaches in Science Ispra, Italy06-08Jun2025Training and workshopsRegional Sustainable Economic Development around the Globe workshop16-20Jun2025Training and workshopsISRCIspra, Italy23-27Jun2025Training and workshopsThe 15th Edition of the Summer School on Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste ManagementIspra, Italy26-27Jun2025Conferences and summitsThe EFiC Conference in Banking and Corporate Finance10-11Jul2025Training and workshops7th JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance 1Page 12Next
11Mar2025Training and workshopsUnderstanding the territorial patterns of climate discontentBrussels, Belgium
13-14Mar2025Training and workshops7th JRC Fiscal Policy Modelling WorkshopSeville, SpainLive streaming available
02-03Apr2025Conferences and summits4th Copernicus Global Flood Forecasting and Monitoring meetingOnline only
06-08Jun2025Training and workshopsRegional Sustainable Economic Development around the Globe workshop
23-27Jun2025Training and workshopsThe 15th Edition of the Summer School on Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste ManagementIspra, Italy